Letter from Michael Lally to his wife, May 11, 1863
Camp of the 11 Reg't Mass. Vol.V.A.
May the 11th 1863
Dear wife
I sit down with pleasure to write those few loyns to you and the children hoping that it will find ye in good health as the departure of this leaves me in at present thanks be to God and the Blessed Virgin to bring me safe a through the battle of last week where I have left a good many of my comrades after me, but thank the Lord I am safe as yet but I feel very tir'd and [fatigued]for we had a long march and we spent 9 days and 9 nights on the road.
Dear wife
You must excuse me for not saying much in this letter or giving you the details of the battle for it would be no profit to you. If we don't march again before a week I will write and give you the whole particulars. We lost out of our Reg't 110 men kild and woonded and the Company that I belong to lost 11 men.
Give my love to the childrn hoping to see them once more and tell Mary that I will write her an answer to her letter next week if the Lord spears me.
Write as swoon as you can and let me now if you got the money as yet. Tell Patt that I will write to him in a few days. I have got a letter from both of you today which is the first day that the mail has being got since the 29 of April. The battle was fought on the 2 and 3 and 4 of May.
I do not wish to say any more. You will find all acount in the papers. I will conclude by [sending] ye all my love and blessing.
Your truly husband
Michael Lalley
Direct as before
Mr. Michael Lally
Co. C. 11 Reg 't Mass. Vol.
Washington, D.C.
To Mrs. Bridgett Lalley
66 Davis Street
Roxbury Mass
[Note: The battle of Chancellorsville]
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May 11, 1863
Lally, Michael
Location (where written)
1 letter (4 pages)
LC Subject Headings
Lally, MichaelIrish -- United States
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, Irish
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives -- Personal narratives
Chancellorsville, Battle of, Chancellorsville, Va., 1863
Michael Lally letters and other material, 1861-2006
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