Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-21

Dayton O. July 21st 1861
Where is my Sunday's letter, you dear good-for-nothing?_ I was sick yesterday (all right though) and expected to hear from you certainly, accordingly my disappointment produced the first fit of the 'Blues' that I have had since you left. I am better now both bodily and mentally, and am going to be good humored enough to write a letter to you besides._ Sella and Frank are running in and out of the parlor constantly, and Robby is asleep._ Henrietta Peirce has just left, having taken dinner with me today. I spent Friday at Lib's, with Aunt Caroline. Aunt is there again today, and returns home tomorrow. Wednesday she starts for the East to remain on the seashore awhile. On her return she expects to visit Brooklyn and hopes to see us also if we are at Fort Hamilton.
I begin to think that is not to be however, no especial reason for it either; perhaps the effects of the Blues. I don't expect to like the kind of life lead in Forts, but I do want to see you very much and am willing to put up with some inconveniences for the sake of doing so._ Friday I asked John Darst when he was going East - he said the middle of August; and offered to carry any package for me I might wish to send. Wonder how he would like to take care of your package;_ wife and three children!! I believe I would rather go with him than anyone else, unless Robert should be going.
He returned Wednesday evening, and Mr. Brady left Thursday afternoon. The latter came to say goodbye; he looked rather downhearted about leaving home, and told me to let you know of his movements. Sister Brady came up in the evening with Robert; she too seemed very sad. Robert says he came near being arrested for a secessionist! Eliza still quite unwell; a short walk in her own yard had fatigued and distressed her exceedingly so that she had to be helped upstairs again. Aunt Lib is no better. I fear sometimes that she may last, and be like Mrs. Phillips. Poor Aunt Mary looks nearly worn out with distress and nursing.
What is the matter, that Congress cannot tell us what you officers are to do, go home or stay? Of course I would not think of going to you until that is settled even if a good opportunity offered.
Uncle John seems very curious about your duties, he has asked me several times if you had not told me anything about them. He said yesterday, that he wished he could go and see you, but he had no money to spare.
We are all anxious to hear from the army today, as a big battle seemed to be threatened yesterday. Ashly Brown was taken prisoner, but has escaped I believe. _ I am going to dress now and will finish this evening or tomorrow morning. perhaps I can think of something interesting by that time. I have been trying to think of all the questions I ought to ask you and have been putting them down as I thought of them; and this has driven almost everything else out of my mind. Goodbye dearest.
Night _ I took the children and went to see 'the sisters' this evening. Mrs. B. is much as usual and Eliza lies down most of the time, seemingly quite miserable._ Robert talks, indeed both talk of taking the family to Washington for a year or two; and R. suggested the propriety of my taking up my abode there also in order that you might see me often!! _ Mrs. Brady says she don't know what she will do if we both go, for she hardly goes anywhere else than to our houses. I should be sorry for her, indeed, for now that Mr. B. is gone she would be quite alone.
Oh darling! it does seem wrong to live this way. Life is short, and we ought to spend it together. I am faint hearted when I think of the dangers that may surround you soon and the long separations that most likely must come. _ I don't want to be selfish or to stand in your way, but I cannot see how we can ever like this.
But, dearest, I should not write to you so, for I know it is hard enough for you even when I do not complain; a great deal harder when I do. I ought to be thankful that I can call you mine, even though far away; and so I am, deeply thankful, and proud too, but there is a constant yearning for your loving presence; the kindly and and loving smiles that have been life to me since I knew and loved you.
The dear little ones are fast asleep; Sella and Frank together and Robbie is my little bedfellow; he awakens early generally, throws his arms around me and nestles down to sleep again. They are all spoiled for a nurse, by my constant care. Poor Sella has got to be a sad gossip and so I supposed has got herself into trouble. She came in this morning quite excited and told me that "Lib Thomas" was going to get a 'great big girl' to come and whip her. I asked what was the matter, but could get nothing out of her. On questioning Aggie, I found that Sella had been telling her a long story about 'Lib's' morals; stealing and lying both were charged against her, on Betty's authority; and as Aggie and Lib had had a quarrel I suppose she had poured out the whole string as she heard it from Sella. I have punished Sella by keeping her from Aggie all day, and I also talked to her about saying anything bad about any one and succeeded in making her feel sorry that she had hurt the little girl's feelings. She came to me soon after, and said she wished I would make her a cake for Lib. because she had made her feel so badly. I told her I would, and I wanted her to tell her that she was sorry, to which she readily agreed.
Frank will throw stones, apples and pears, in spite of everything; last Sunday two more panes of glass were shivered with a pear; and Pete said that he announced his intention of breaking the window before throwing.
Rob's last, is to get into a great passion kicking and screaming with all his might. I think a few smart slaps however will break him of so troublesome a habit.
Robert spoke of fitting up one of his rooms at home for an office and purposed taking home his and your law books. You must tell us what to do about all the office furniture, I told you of *A. Hursman's* probable wish to buy in another letter.
Howard and the rest are all in bed, and I must go too; else I cannot be up early tomorrow to prepare for my visit to you, if circumstances so arrange it. _ I do not wish any failure of mine to disappoint us in our plans, I do wish that Senate would make haste about its business.
I have put down several questions that I am anxious to have answered, please take them in their order and answer in the same way; it will save us both some trouble.
Mother has received a magazine; she had not read it, but was inclined to think that it was not what she wanted. Much obliged to you for it however.
Good night Dearest.
Thy wife, Augusta
Monday Morn._ Dressing for breakfast, and have stopt to finish this letter. All well after a good night's rest. How is your own health? Tell me particularly, and what your duties are._ I am very sorry I can't make you get up to breakfast! You know how we would all chatter with delight if you would. Good-bye once more.
Questions to be answered.
1st _ Did you pay the bill for the table oilcloth and the parlor drugget at Van Ausdal's? If so where is the receipt? The bill of $6.00 was presented yesterday.
2nd _ There are some checks of Cuppy and Davis, in the Bank, in your favor, which I see are payable this month and next; what must be done with them?
3rd _ What must I do with your portfolio containing these papers, when I go away?
4th _ What is to be done with the office and your books and bookcases? Robert asked me this the other night.
5th_ What must be done about the fence? Where are the posts, and who is to make it? I am afraid there will be trouble on account of the posts, and the carpenter.
6th._ Must I bring towels, napkins and small pillowcases? Are there any bedclothes needed besides the sheets and pillowcases?
7th_ Ought not some of the papers to be stopt?
8th _ What is to be done with your clothes? The moths had already commenced on them before I took hold of them. Craighhead's suit I took home myself yesterday as he did not send for them according #to promises. I fear they got some rips too while here, and am sorry I did not think of them before, I made myself easy about them after you said he was to send for them, and never thought of them again till I went to take yours out to sun them, I don't know how they were when they came but they certainly had some minute holes in when they went home.#
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July 21, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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