Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-23

Dayton O. July 23rd. 1861
My dear Husband,
Your letter, for which I had been looking so long, came yesterday.
I was just preparing to enjoy it, when Father told me the dreadful news of our defeat. The particulars kept coming worse and worse, till this morning when the 5000 killed, (upon which I had to retire last night) had decreased to 500. Bad enough certainly, but better than the first. _ It was a sad anxious time with most of us, as Mr. Odlin said, we felt as if we had lost home friends, country, everything we possessed in this world.
Besides there was great indignation about the refusal of the Ohio troops to fight; how justly I am not prepared to say.
I hope now that Patterson is superseded and Mc. Clellan in command of the Potomac division, that we will have better success. _ Congress seems inclined to see the fight at the country's expense, so dilatory do the members seem about closing up the business. Some of them want to send you all home too. I think it is best to wait their motions at any rate before packing up the family for removal.
I have been taking Mrs. Brady a ride this evening; and it seemed to be a great treat to her. I took her to Ms. Peirce's.
Lib showed her all that she had pretty gave her a handsome bouquet, and some plants, all of which gratified her exceedingly. She says give her best love to you, and tell you that the forlorn old sisters will try to get along; Eliza feels more comfortable today, and took a ride this afternoon; she was 'girl-hunting' however, and that was not the best thing for her spirits.
My dearest, I beg that you will not hunt either a house or a boarding place; it seems to me that I would much prefer the life within the Fort; even though I am the only lady there._ I wish to be rid of the care of servants of all need of fine dressing and fine company; I am tired and want to rest that is as much as the care of our little ones will allow._ Are there facilities for bathing and can we avail ourselves of them? If not let a bathing tub be provided. Another thing, if bugs or mice infect the premises, do poison them out before we come; both for comfort and safety.
I talk as if I fully expected to go to you yet I really feel great doubts, still I think it cannot be long before I see you again, one way or another, and that helps me to bear the separation better than I otherwise would.
I forgot to tell you a speech Frank made the other day, and which caused his cousins great amusement: he was trying to tell how high he had been up on the 'see-saw' and said "I sawed as high as I could see."
Robby was much exercised about a chicken which had touched him in trying to escape from the children. "Chicken-uh. *for-uh*, on-uh, - me-uh" was drawled out at every body till we all knew about it. He would kiss me and draw my face round to his to repeat the oft told story.
Sella and Frank have been earning money today; I have paid them a cent a dozen for nightshades. Sella earned 15 cents poor Frank only one, and that, Robby threw away for him. He does not seem to care much however._ Howard is quite sick, I am afraid it is an intermittent Fever. He has not seemed well since his trip, and for the past two days, is in bed. Mary is not well either, so Will Howard acts as protector tonight, to your wife and bairns.
I took the children to see *Robdo's* boy today. I doubt its living long; she fell down cellar and had it two months too soon. The poor little woman looked badly herself and made me feel sadly for her.
I think I have told you all I can dearest, it is 10 o'clock, and my left side aches badly.
I will ask Mother about the magazine in the morning; she seemed inclined to like it upon examination. Good night dear, dear Luther.
Wednesday_ Howard had high fever all night. We cannot yet tell what the disease is, and are very anxious about him._ Mother says she does not yet know about the magazine. This is the fourth number and they say completes one volume; how is it? Four volumes of three numbers each?
I gave the note to the preacher yesterday but he has #not given me his answer yet. I am going down town soon and will put this letter in the office myself. Write soon.
Love from all to you my dear good old Husband.
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July 23, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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