Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-25

Dayton O. Thursday July 25,
Dear Luther,
We returned from taking Mrs. Brady and ourselves a drive, a short time since, the children are in bed, and I think, asleep._ I am afraid my last letter will trouble you somewhat, I desired you to allow us to live in the Casemates; and in the evening of the same day I sent that request, your letter of Sunday came to hand. In that you speak of the probability of keeping house. I hope you will do just what you consider best. I know I should not like to board with the children, perhaps your plan is best.
Still my dear, I think any movement unwise at present, when so much uncertainty exists about your position. I was trying hard to keep my movements secret, but Mart got the news from Bella and came round full of it; I don't believe she will be able to keep it long.
I have not spoken to Ernestine yet. She will want to know how long she would have to stay, and we ought to make some agreement with her. Of course we would not be willing to pay her expenses back if she does not stay some time, but something might occur to prolong our absence much more than we now think for, in which case I think it would be unjust to keep her if she wants to return and also unjust to make her bear her own expenses. Tell me what I must tell her about this.
Would it be too expensive to hire out the washing, and perhaps the ironing, and have her do all the house work and help me with the children? Is there a church for her? Must I bring table linen, knives, and forks and spoons, &c. &c. Bed clothes, towels and all the things of which you spoke? Tell me every thing.
Belle Burrows wrote home that she had had a very pleasant call from you, and that you were looking exceedingly well.
Have you found out any thing about the Cooper Institute? and do you suppose that Mary could attend it conveniently, and without much expense (I refer practically to the expense of getting to and from the City), in case we could stow her away in that little house? If you can find out any thing about the Institute, and terms of admission, do so; only do not inconvenience yourself to do it. Mother said nothing about it, it is my own concern._ Howard seemed better this morning, but has fever again tonight he suffers with his head. I don't know what ails him._ Aunt Lib is very crazy at times and the Doctor says will be so as long as she lives. Aunt Mary thinks she is weaker, but Aunt Ann says the contrary.
Eliza feels better._ Robert is off at Cincinnati. Mrs. Brady thinks he will go to Washington soon. How would it do for us to take him for company as for as he goes, and have you meet us at New York?
You spoke of my keeping my checks, unless the Express man would send the baggage to the Fort, I cannot understand what I would do with it if an Express man does not take charge of it, unless indeed, you will certainly meet me at the depot._ Dear me! I don't expect to go at all, so what is the use of asking so many questions.
Betty has just been here for ice for Howard's head, she makes large stories, so I don't know what to think about it but fear that he is very sick. I will not close without letting you know his condition in the morning. We none of us feel very cheerful, there is much to depress us; yet if we could but stop to think, there is much to be thankful for. I would not like to leave just now on account of Howard's illness, even if I had the opportunity._ Father seems sad whenever we speak of going at any rate, and just now it would add to their trouble.
Oh! how I wish you could be at home quietly attending to business; I need you tonight dearest, and can hardly make up my mind that I must do without you. Perhaps tomorrow's sunshine will chase away my sadness, I will hope so. Good night dearest Blessings of all._ Mary has just come; she says the Doctor was able to relieve Howard very much; he thinks the great heat of which he complains is caused more by nervousness than fever, and wished them to #discontinue the use of ice. I feel better already for this news of Howard and also for Mary's company.
Good night once more My dear Husband.
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July 25, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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