Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-08-04
Dayton O. Aug. 4th 1861 Dear Husband,
After many trials and disappointments, I have at length got your letter. Uncle John looked last night. Father went twice this morning without success. Willie Brady finally brought it from Mr. Corwin's box.
By the bye, that gentleman left suddenly for Washington on Friday, so that all hope of having him for company is at an end, and I am very sorry; for I dread the journey exceedingly.
You seem anxious for all of us to come it may be better, so you may make your arrangements accordingly without farther objection on my part. I had supposed my plan the most economical and felt tired of household cares besides: but, if your way is best and we can have all with us, I must give up my idea of being released from housekeeping.
Is there furniture for a girl's room? Must I bring my castor? I suppose a sewing machine is out of the question, but I shall miss it more than any thing in the house.
("Papa, yetta?" (letter) says Master Robert.)
We have six blankets. I will bring them, sheets pillowcases._ tableclothes_ napkins_ knives, forks and spoons._ although the two latter ones are rather shabby.
My preparations have been going on steadily, but as I was unable to get as much assistance as I expected there is still much unfinished.
Mr Craighead did not call till last evening, for which I delivered a short lecture and he apoligized. His wife was with him and they staid about a half an hour. He says too that he forgot to put your letter in the Office till the next day, so that it came the day after he did. His wife called him a wicked creature for the same and he was exceeding sorry.
I have been expecting to go out to Lib's all morning but have been prevented by the rain.
What must be done with those letters in your closed?_ I have been thinking about having Mother pack away her things in part of her house, renting the other, and coming into ours. I do not know whether she would be willing, but it might be a good thing for her and for us also. Don't forget to tell me what you think of this._ I do not want to keep house alone when I return, and could have the front room (library) and let Sella sleep in the little one perhaps.
I cannot think of all I wish to say for the childrn are troublesome, and I will wait till they are asleep to finish.
Ed. Parrott is flourishing; I heard that he had head cut, shaved and sand papered!!! His whiskers trimmed into a point!
My dear Husband, I beg of you now, and I am in earnest, that you will not allow your upper lip to be covered with hair, while I can see you; It is unpleasant to me to say this very least of it; and I do hope the trials I once had from that cause will not be renewed. I don't believe you ever realized how much I suffered at that time. By the way Dearest shall or must I bring the flesh brushes along?
Is there a cook stove at the house and are there flat irons (waffle irons, these are of course unnecessary unless you with them)_ How big a box can I send and how heavy may it be? I have not yet spoken to Ernestine and will not unless I hear of your confirmation. A vote may send you home and then what a quantity of unnecessary planning we will have done!
Hunter Collin is sick at Janesville and his mother and Father have gone to nurse him. They think he is doing well however.
Quince and Jack Sheppard speak well of him; the latter said he was very superior to his own Captain.
Howard is driving out now, but looks weak and pale._ Mrs. Brady and Eliza are doing pretty well. Mr. Brady had been unfortunate and lost his trunk; and, I suspect is very homesick._ If Howard had not been sick, Jere would have taken Mary out to Joe Crave's, and she has had a narrow escape for two of the schenck girls are out there, and the General and Liby are going this week!!
Jere will have a delightful time I imagine.
Well, dear One, I could talk if you were here, but my pen does not run very fast. So for routes, I shall be obliged to take the one my company takes; and will let you know as soon as I do myself. You seem to be having rather a jolly time; I did not suppose Officers could do so in war times._ This rambling sort of writing must be stopt, do try to find out all the questions I have asked and answer them. Anticipate any others I ought to ask._ Have Office things removed I suppose and pay the rent.
Good night dear Luther, I cannot write any longer.
Monday morn._ Nothing to add this morning. All in usual health.
Good bye,
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August 4, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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