Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-08-11
Dayton O. Sunday Aug. 11th1861
Well! My good Fellow, it's done, and although I have been thinking of this journey so long, now that every thing is settled about it, I am in the greatest excitement to be off and get over the hard part as soon as possible.
Settled I said, but Ernestine's part is not yet so; I spoke to her yesterday and she at first said yes; then she began to ask about the size of the place, thought if it was like the country she would not like it; wondered if there was a Catholic church &c. &c. thought she would have to think of the matter. After your letter came last evening she thought she would go, again, and today she has gone to her brother's to talk over the matter.
Of course I cannot tell her much; I told her that I should expect her to do much as she does here, wash her own clothes and the flannels and help me with the children. The rest of the washing and ironing I should have done for her. That I might stay four months or eight.
You say you do not know whether ther is a bedstead in the girl's room; I hope you will by all means see that there is one and don't get any old cracked thing full of vermin. I saw the other day at Lib's an iron bedstead that folded up like a towel horse, I know nothing of the expense of such a one but was much pleased with it. _ Then there are those camp cuts that are very good and cheap I prefer them very much to the kind E. has at home. She does not like to leave Robby and I rather think will go. No telling though.
If she does go. I shall not wait for company, but will select some train that does not change at night and start about Wednesday or Thursday of next week; and, will give you notice by telegraph.
If you should conclude to meet us some where, remember, do remember, that we shall all have on new 'store clothes' and as you may not be dressed as I used to see you, it might chance to happen that we would not recognise each other!! Come to think of it Frank and Robert will have the hats you once knew, unless indeed they should happen to lose them in the meantime._ I shall be a Gray woman, instead of Brown unless my cloak is found necessary. *nuf ced.* you certainly will see that it will be necessary to keep a sharp look out.
Afternoon_ Lib came in when I had written this far and staid to dinner. _ Jere said he had received his powder, but no bill came with it._ I forgot to mention that he came home Tuesday or Wednesday bringing the Schenck girls with him; he took them out also!! Their father did not go out at all.
I have put the business into Uncle John's hands. He has not yet been successful about the first check; Davis promises but will not perform._ Quincy offered his services in any way, and if you say so will attend to the Office removal, he says his Father told him to see if you were willing to part with your books, and he would probably like to buy them. Answer this particularly. Perhaps it would be well enough to let them all to together to his house and leave the question open as to the purchase . Quince however spoke as if his Father wished to take them to Washington if they went there to stay, which they still talk of doing. Eliza was here three or four evenings ago; the walk fatigued her a great deal. Mrs Brady says she is glad on our account that we are going, but can hardly bear it on her own. If Eliza goes too I shall be very sorry for her._ I think my dear, that I cannot do without the machine, particularly if I stay all winter; I can pack it partly in my trunk and partly in the box so that the freight will not be so high. Now don't object; I really will have to sew with my fingers if I do not have it. The bills I shall have to pay for sewing more, quite frighten me. Then as the stove is dispensed with you know it cannot make so much difference!! Mary thought you were in earnest! She seems to be afraid of those long daily rides, and I frea will not avail herself of your kind offer. What would her trip cost her? Much obliged for the fragment of the Fort Pickens flag; it is quite a valuable relic and I think had better be roughly framed in pasteboard to preserve it._ I begin to think I have more friends than I thought. Several seem really interested in my plans. Mrs DeGraff seemed quite affected, said she was very sorry we were going away, but thought it was all right.
She seems to feel very badly about her own situation, but thinks there is no prospect of better times till next spring at least. _ Here Robby waked, I went to him leaving my letter in the Library, two or three minutes after I left him with the children and went down for some water, found them all in your room and he amusing himself with the pen and ink, writing over my letter . Sella called to me and he dropt the pen making the beautiful blot you see on the other sheet. I hope you will like his part of the letter better than I do.
Fielding Loury says he thinks the pleasantest route for me would be to take the night train to Pittsburgh change cars there in the afternoon, take the sleeping cars and not change again till we got to Philadelphia. Could you meet me there if I conclude to do this?
I intend however to leave this matter to Jere. Uncle and Father and will let you know the result._ Mart Holt said she wanted Mary and me to come and take Tea with her tomorrow, as she was afraid I would think I could not come at all if I put it off too late. _ If Robby is well enought (He is not terribly ill) I will go._ Mrs. Brady wanted me to come to spend a day, but I am afraid I cannot spare so long a time. Lib too, but I think I shall go there next Sunday. I don't like to be in so much haste as to give them so little time, but if I had not concluded that the machine would have to visit Fort Hamilton, I should have no time at all.
We have come to the conclusion to take up the parlor carpet and pack the small articles and pictures. Mother thinks they had better wait about coming down at least till we know a little more about what is likely to be done. _ Please send me any directions about my travelling, checks, money &c. that you may think useful, especially just before arriving at New York and afterwards too, in case some accident should prevent you meeting me there or before. Must the direction on the box have Ft hamilton as well as No. 33 Broadway New York City?
#Ernestine is waiting to write to her sister so I will close. She says she will go.
Goodbye. #Must I bring your little portfolio which now contains the Davis & Cuppy notes? I see there are some other valuable papers in it. The Life Insurance policy I will send now.
Monday - All well here. #
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August 11, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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