Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-08-14

Dayton O. Aug. 14th. 1861
Dear Luther,
It is after 10 o'clock already so you have but little chance for a long letter._ I intended to begin earlier but "Ma Patterson" came in to see me first; then Father was here and finally Ernestine called me down into the dining room to see a "man'. I found Johnson Perrins kicking his heels on my new trunk as he sat perched on top of it; 'going travelling' as he informed me. He had heard I was going way and had come to see me accordingly; thought it was all right ought to go and would like it; gave me advice _ thought some young man ought to sleep in the house, wouldn't take up the carpets &c. &c.
I have been pushing matters forward and feel quite tired, I cannot expect to feel very bright just now however, and don't suppose my extra exertions hurt me much. I am trying to settle all the Bills too; Ice bill_ grocer's and Doctor's. in addition to my own immediate expenses. My tableclothes _ napkins and towels for ordinary use are quite worn out, so that I have had to buy new ones I am doing the best I can, but am constantly thinking of the bills. I know that I have not spent on all the family what many persons would spend on themselves alone never the less I don't like to see the money going.
I asked the Doctor to tell me the names of the best Homeopathic physicians in New York, and also for directions as to treatment of Dyptheria, before I could get a Physician. He has written the names and address of the Physicians, on a card; and put up medicines and directions for dyptheria. Every one is kind and since I made up my mind to ask no one to take charge of us, I feel better and ask information freely, and am freely answered. Jere consulted James Perrins as to the best route; I had already asked him. He agreed with F. Loury told me to start from here at midnight fo through Columbus, Brestline and Pittsburg to Philadelphia, there on to New York which would be reached in the daytime instead of nine at night.
Mrs. Holt says she understood there was some difficulty in getting from our depot to the other in Philadelphia. Johnson thinks not, but has not travelled over the route recently. All difficulty would be easily obviated however if you could meet us at Philadelphia. I expect now to start next Wednesday night. Will telegraph you if I do.
Uncle John seems to have trouble with Davis and has not yet succeeded in getting the first check. He seems fretful and gloomy, and has said several times that you ought to come home and attend to it. _ I felt badly about it and went down to ask Mother if she thought I had better tell you; I found Father had returned, and he went to see Uncle John, who repeated the assertion to him. He said Davis had promised to have it this afternoon, he had not seen him but would before my letter was mailed.
Father said I need say nothing about it till he and Uncle John had talked it over and seen Davis again. But I thought you might as well know the whole, and if you do think it best to come home you must telegraph me immediately, so as to be ready for you and I will not take up the carpets for I would rather have it looking comfortable I had thought of sending the box on Monday but it won't be convenient to do so if you are coming._ I will wait till morning to finish as it is after eleven. Goodnight dearest.
Thursday morn._ Have just received your letter of the 11th. and suppose it it hardly worth while to send this, but will for fear you do not come.
Father says since hearing what you say that he hopes you will come by all means.
Goodbye darling, I hope I shall see you tomorrow.
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August 14, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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