Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton Dec 30 1861 Dear Augusta thee says "tell me all you do and I will do the same" There was nothing new done, we did not do quite as much as usual, because you were not here, & everyone seems to think it unnecessaryMrs. Peirce always does so much, that Elizabeth's children will not miss what we do, so we had no tree, but spread a white…
Dayton 22, 1861. Dear Augusta, We expected a letter from thee today but did not get up soon enough to get in to the P.O and had to grieve all day with the idea of a letter lying there unread, I will try to get it before I close this in the morning. I hope Robbie and all the rest are well by this time. Poor little fellow! but thy time was quite as…
Dayton Dec. 19th 1861 Dear Augusta We were amused on receiving wedding cards, Weddings are the order of the day it seems, And if some that have come off lately are as happy as yours has proved so far, I shall be pleased, I met Mary Shaw the next day after receiving thy letter and she spoke of it, She remarked immediately She has been married eight…
Fort Hamilton N.Y.H. Dec. 12th. 1861 Dear Lib, I have received a good letter from Mary this morning which I will answer soon; but am warned by her to answer you very soon under great fear of the consequences of failure. Mary mentions a Christmas box which you have united in sending us; for which receive our best love and thanks "From home" is…
Dayton Dec 8th 1861 My dear Augusta Howard has just finished reading H.W.B.'s sermon, for which I thank thee heartily, It is a very soothing and delightful sermon, and I can verywell believe it must have been, a great treat and consolation to thee, I wish more than ever for the privilege of hearing him, I need something of that kind, He throws…
Dayton Nov 30th 1861 My dear Augusta I suppose thee will scarcely look for another letter from me this week, but my last was so gloomy that I believe I had better write one more cheerful if possible, I called Mary thinking she would write more pleasantly, but I found her's quite as bad as mine, There was something in the atmosphere that evening…
Dayton Nov 28th 1861 Dear Augusta We received thine of Nov 24 and while we were please to hear you are well and happy, Howard was very much disappointed that there was no answer to his letter written a week ago last Friday to Luther on military matters. He is very anxious to know if he is likely to get anything for him I believe I told thee that…
Dayton Nov 24th 1861 My dear Augusta I have been writing to aunt Mary and Mrs Murray today, and am going to finish by wrting to thee, Mary says thee owes her a letter and she is going to wait till thee answers her, So she is going to write to Robie, Howie says he is going to wait till he receives an answer to his last, and Father never writes…
Five Oaks. Nov, 20, 1861. Dear Sella, Aunt Mary wrote a letter to Frank on Sunday, and I thought I would write you one today. Grandpa has been away two weeks, and I do not know when he is coming home. Miss Follet, and Mary Thornton's mother are coming to grandma's this evening, to stay two or three days. Saturday night we had a heavy frost and…
Dayton Nov 19th 1861 Dear Augusta Here I am at my writing as I promised Sunday morning should find me We are all excitement with the news of the capture of Mson and Slidell. I hope it is true, Mr Grier is is delighted with *James'* part of it. Says "it is good but that does not express my feelings" We went last night to meet his son, I think we…