Browse All Letters (392 total)
Washington March 5th My dear Wife: I hope I shall hear from you soon, and I suspect you will be quite as anxious to hear from me again, after you have received my last letter. The inauguration as you have learned long ere this, passed off very quietly and without the least disturbance. There was a large display of military and a tremendous crowd…
Washington March 8thMy Dear Wife:Things are in such a state here, that I intend to go to New York to-morrow morning. I shall probably be back here on Tuesday, on Wednesday at any sake.Tom will be greatly astonished to learn that *Crafts* Wright and I have had a reconciliation. A friend from *Cinti* invited me to go to his room at Willard's. We went…
Washington March 9th1861My Dear Wife:Mr. Schenck had a conversation with Mr. Lincoln, and I think from what he tells me that our chance is very good. Mr. S. has gone to Columbus to try to get himself elected Senator & I hope he may succeed. But there is no telling how it will end.I am getting very tired of this town and would like to leave it,…
Washington March 10 1861 Sunday My dear wife: Although this is Sunday, office seeking & button-holeing and boreing go on without cessation. The crowd here diminished very greatly and the rush to this city has almost ceased. Yet it is difficult to get any thing done. If Mr. Schenck were here I could get the appointment made this week, because…
Washington March 13 My dear Wife: Yours of the 7th reached me this morning and proved the great feature of the day, as I am sick and tired of Washington and don't seem to make any progress with my business. The fact is, Mr Schenck has entire control of it, and what he says will be done. I hoped to get Tom Corwin & Cartter of Ohio to go with me…
Washington March 14My good dear wife:What is the reason I don't hear from you oftener? The last letter I received was dated the 9th just one week ago. I have got a letter from John Howard dated the 10th & Jerry Mills got here last night having left Dayton OH on the 12th. You make no attention to the astounding intelligence contained in some of…
Washington March 15th I was very sorry, my little darling, on reading yours of the 10th, to find that you were expecting me home to-morrow. I have already prepared you for a disappointment in one of my letters, so that before to-morrow comes you will cease to expect me. It may possibly be another week before I can get home, or even longer, if your…
[Washington, March 19, 1861] Monday morning I was much disappointed this morning in not getting a letter from my darling wife. I received one with the writing of John Howard on the back, but it proved to be a letter from S. M. Sullivan in reference to the P.O. & a very good letter for our side, it is. If I don't get a letter from you this…
Washington March 19 My dear, good wife: I wrote you this morning & here I am setting down to give you another installment of my scribbling. _ Robert and D K Carter had a talk with the P. M. Genl. about the P.O. In the course of the conversation, Mr Blain said something about the impropriety of appointing old men to office. Whereupon Carter…
Washington March 19, 1861 My dear little wife: I received yours of the 15th this morning, also one from John Howard of the same date. _ Your letter to Mr. Schenck was all right; I am only afraid it will do us no good._ I trust you have received a good long letter from me this morning, & your Uncle John, too. _ I feel in better spirits this…