Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton O. July 21st 1861 Where is my Sunday's letter, you dear good-for-nothing?_ I was sick yesterday (all right though) and expected to hear from you certainly, accordingly my disappointment produced the first fit of the 'Blues' that I have had since you left. I am better now both bodily and mentally, and am going to be good humored enough to…
Ft Hamilton July 20th 1861 I rec'd yours of the 17th this afternoon, two or three hours ago, and have just taken my seat, my dearest, to begin a long letter to you. _ I called on Belle B. this afternoon, & had no difficulty in finding her. She was looking very well and professes to like Brooklyn very much. The school is growing & their…
Ft Hamilton July 18th 1861 My dear wife: Last night I had the delight of reading two letters from you, and I only regret that it was not possible for you to enjoy the same pleasure. It is not possible for me to devote as much time in writing to you as I would like to, but I hope we shall be together again before long and then I will try to make…
Dayton O, July 17th 1861 Dear Husband, Mother and I have just returned from a shopping expedition. I am trying to get fitted out so that you will not be ashamed of us, and yet as economically as possible. Some things I cannot get here and will defer till I am in New York. It took my breath away to read your letter this morning (the one Capt…
Dayton O. July 14th. 1861 Dear Luther, I wrote you a long letter last week and put it in the Office Saturday afternoon, so I suppose from what you told me in the letter I got shortly afterwards, that it will not go till tomorrow morning, for which I am sorry, as I always like to feel that there is one on its way to you._ I was very glad to get…
Ft Hamilton July 13th 61 My dearest, I received your letter of the 9th this evening; it was very pleasant reading I assure you. I got another this week so that I have faired better than you._ This week has been quite destitute of excitement. I have bought some furniture & shall have my room fitted up quite well in anticipation of your…
Dayton O. July 11th 1861 Dear Husband, There is nearly an hour yet till bed time, so I will begin a letter to you. Sella and I have been out to the picnic all day. If Mart had not gone I should I think have begged off; as it seemed like going among strangers._ As it turned out I am very glad I went; all seemed kind and a great many expressed…
Ft Hamilton July 10th Wednesday evening I received yours of the 7th this evening, my dear wife, and was rejoiced to find ourselves so near each other again. To make us a little bit nearer, I will just let you know that do you do not gain anything by putting your letter in the office in the evening. The mail leaves at eleven o'clock in the…
Ft Hamilton July 7th 1861 My Dear Augusta: It is now nearly a week since I left home and so far I have not heard a word from you. You may imagine how I would rejoice to hear from home. I can never think of you and the dear little ones without deeply regretting the necessity which has separated us. I think the experience which I appear likely to…
Dayton, O. July 9th 1861 Dearest One, I must write to you tonight I cannot help it! Do not think I am grieving, I am just as good as you can wish and bravely bearing this great trial. Judge Holt said tonight that he supposed I hardly knew how I felt yet; I told him I felt as if in a dream and was only afraid I should awake to the reality. He said…