Browse All Letters (449 total)
Dayton March 17th1861Dear Luther,I just burnt two pages of a letter which I had begun to you. I thought I had mentioned names and acts rather more freely than should be done in a letter. Uncle John went to Columbus himself on Friday, very unexpectedly, and I had detailed his report more fully than I thought prudent. Mr L. said he did not wish to do…
Dayton March 15th. 1861Dearest, I have just got your dispirited letter of the 12th. And cannot resist writing just a few words to comfort you. Believe me, it is a lie (I can't help being vulgar in this case) of Corwin's and I do hope you will lay hold of Mr. Schenck the moment he returns and let him know just what he (C.) has said. Uncle John…
Dayton O. March 14th 1861Dear Husband, I am afraid the children will interrupt me too much to let me write, but as it seems likely that you will be detained longer than you thought, when you last wrote, I know you will look for and from home. Uncle John just left me; He said he had a letter from Judge Storer which he would send to you to hand to…
Dayton O. March 12th.1861Dear Husband, Mr. & Mrs. Brady, and Eliza have just left. Eliza said she thought I might as well tell you of a report that is circulated just now, it is that Father is trying to get the Office to transfer to you; that he already has a situation that brings in $2000 a year and consequently does not need it. His age is…
Dayton O. March 10th1861My dear Husband, I have been highly favored yesterday and today; for there was a letter both days from you, and this evening on returning from Jere's, one from Mrs. Williams was handed to me.Your's of yesterday I have already answered, but will write again, knowing that you are just as glad as I am when a letter comes. Your…
Dayton O. March 7th. 1861Dear Husband, While waiting for Sella to go to sleep I will write some few things which may be forgotten if defered till tomorrow._ First, I met Mr. James Harris this morning, who asked me to mention to you that his son Charles is anxious to get the mail agency between Cleveland and Buffulo and he thought that you might be…
Dayton O. March 6th.1861Dear Luther,Mary brought me your letter, an hour ago._ Of course we were all glad to hear from you; Sella was somewhat disappointed, as she thought it was an answer to mine, and she expected to hear something about the letter she asked for. Frank said, "is it my Papa?" and jumped and laughed on my assuring him that you had…
Dayton O. March 3rd 1861My morning work is done and I want not to write to you Dearest Husband, but I scarcely know that I can; for all three little ones have already been to me. Robby twice with his baby complaints, and here he is again, Frank too!Robby says you have gone to "Wash" which is the nearest he can come to Washington.I did not feel like…
[to L.B. 1861?]We had a letter from Howard yesterday, he was still in camp near Lagrange, well, and seemingly quite happy. He said nothing about his position, and not one word about Mr. Comly. His letters are very affectionate and quite satisfactory. I find that Jere has been very kind to him. When he was trying to raise his company Jere gave him a…