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Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-14
Dayton O. July 14th. 1861 Dear Luther, I wrote you a long letter last week and put it in the Office Saturday afternoon, so I suppose from what you told me in the letter I got shortly afterwards, that it will not go till tomorrow morning, for which I am sorry, as I always like to feel that there is one on its way to you._ I was very glad to get…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-11
Dayton O. July 11th 1861 Dear Husband, There is nearly an hour yet till bed time, so I will begin a letter to you. Sella and I have been out to the picnic all day. If Mart had not gone I should I think have begged off; as it seemed like going among strangers._ As it turned out I am very glad I went; all seemed kind and a great many expressed…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-09
Dayton, O. July 9th 1861 Dearest One, I must write to you tonight I cannot help it! Do not think I am grieving, I am just as good as you can wish and bravely bearing this great trial. Judge Holt said tonight that he supposed I hardly knew how I felt yet; I told him I felt as if in a dream and was only afraid I should awake to the reality. He said…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-07
Dayton, O. July 7th 1861 Dear Husband, Your letter of Wednesday was received yesterday, and I have felt much more light hearted ever since. Mother came soon after its arrival to take us to ride and I went to Mr. Brady's and Mr. Corwin's to give the news to the sisters. They were pretty well, and Eliza had heard from Robert; he had been famished…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-27
Dayton, March 27th 1861 Dear Luther, I have just read your letter hastily and sent it to Mother. I will get it and read again and enjoy it more leisurely. I was sorry to see that my good intentions were frustrated in some way or another, I wrote, and put my letter in the office last Friday afternoon hoping and supposing it would reach you Sunday,…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-26
Dayton, March 26th. 1861Dear Luther, Robby is here inquiring about my writing. "Papa? Papa?" "Papa, ome, Wash, "are the corrected remarks, out of which I get the following. "Waiting to Papa? Papa's in Washington tell hime to come home. He is very concised you see, perhaps from necessity only, however. Now I don't expect you to get this letter, my…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-25
Dayton O. March 25th. 1861Dear Luther, We are all dressed for Sunday, dinner is over, and now I want to talk to you on paper, as I cannot in any other way. A comfortable way for you too, for you can take your afternoon nap and not be disturbed by my chattering. It is a beautiful day, just the kind for a walk, and depend upon it you could be teased…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-22
Dayton March. 22nd. 1861Dear Husband, Uncle John sent me your letter to him this morning, and told Mary to talk now that he would attend to it. Shortly afterwards mine was brought to me, which I immediately sent to him. I would much rather read them to him, but it seems necessary to move quickly, so I am obliged to sacrifice my feelings to the…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-20
Dayton March 20th1861Dear Luther,Don't be uneasy about my senses, they have not left me; nobody but yourself need ever know that the enclosed letter was written.I got to thinking about the whole matter, and thought that I should be glad if you could through Calib Smith, let the President know something about our great friend; I thought till I could…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-19
Dayton March 19th. 1861Dear Husband,You should have seen our family meeting this morning. Howard brought me your letters of the 14th and 15th before breakfast, which reading them Uncle John came in with his, and to see mine. A few more minutes brought Mother then Mary and soon after Lib. The duplicity of the illustrious gentleman was freely…
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