Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-08

Dayton Dec. 8th. 1862
Dear Luther,
You must blame Uncle John for my sending a short letter this time.
He came in this evening, and Mother wanted and me to sing a Battle Hymn, to the air of John Brown, which we did; he was delighted with it, and at the conclusion jumped up and declared that we must go down and sing it for "Ann"; took off his overcoat and seemed bent upon wrapping me up in it, but I assured him that I would go and would get my shawl.
Down we went, and sang it through twice; Aunt Ann was delighted, said she had been feeling badly, but the song had done her good; Uncle John clapped the climax by saying that it went "right to his *liver*", an expression which old Dr. Steele used, when old Towner played his organ for him. All this kept me away till nearly half past ten, so I have but little time for writing.
I walked out to Lib's this morning and spent the day with her; Mary came out in the afternoon and Jere walked home with us early in the evening. I asked Jere how he liked the pipe, and he assured me that he was pleased, and had sent no word because he intended writing to you himself.
On my return we heard the children having such a grand time that the door-bell could not be heard. Rob said that he thought I was going to stay all night; and Sella complained of my long absence. Sella's cough is very troublesome, but neither she nor Rob have the measles yet. -- I have been making Robby new flannel drawers much to Father's gratification, also a "balmoral skirt". Dressed in these he went out to his Grandfather and told him he had a "bahmowal skate" on; which rather mystified the old man, till it was explained to him. Frank and his Grandmother have written you a letter which I will enclose. If I can find it I will send also, the Commercial of yesterday or at least the notice of Granville Williams' death. The poor man had been ill some time with rheumatism but was not considered dangerously so till last Thursday.
I did not know till today that Charles Williams was in command of a regiment now in the field. I fear that these later troubles combined with Sallie's ill health, and the care of Alfred's motherless babe, will hasten poor Mrs. W's departure from the rest of her family to a world where grief cannot enter; yet not for her sake ought I to say I 'fear' it; death no doubt will be welcome to her. Dick Corwin, too has lost his wife, they had been married but eight months. The best thing that happened today was the arrival of your letter of Dec. 3rd. I had been so disappointed last Sunday that I tried not to expect one but did nonetheless. I will look for the speech soon and try to supply both Col. Burke and yourself with Rob's smart sayings. You spoke one word for the Col. and two for yourself, I think, my good man!
Father thought perhaps I had better not go back at all, and Mother thought perhaps Rob had better stay with the other children; I told Mother that I wished and would go, and couldn't think of showing my face without Rob; indeed I don't think the little man would allow of any such arrangement, if I was willing. Mother assures me that I shall stay with her either here or in our house, on my return; and I feel better about the whole 'trouble' now. If you are only spared to us, it may prove a pleasure. God grant it dearest! I hope nothing will transpire to take you from the Fort till I can return to you; that is my worry now. Oh! what late hours you make me keep. #I must be off to bed, for I may be up frequently tonight although the children have slept pretty well so far.Good night Darling One,
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December 8, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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