Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-20

Dayton O. May 20th. 1863 Dear Luther, Although I sent off a letter this morning, it seems as if your letter of this evening ought to be answered tonight. You ask me about the bills; I left these all either in your *business* drawer or in the drawer of your trunk. - Anderson was paid up to within a few weeks of my departure His last bill which covered a page or two of foolscap paper; will show the date. The Butcher's bill was about $22.00 - Aker & Merrell's about $8.00 - Crocker's book & Aker's were both with the bills. The Butcher's being receipt list he took back with him. I am very much worried about that Express charge and hope you can get a part of it refunded. Mrs. Darst told Father that your best way would have been to send it to some one of the merchants, with your own initials, and written *to* to him, when the charge would only have been about half. He himself would have attended to it he said. Of course you could not know this; but I think some one has taken the responsibility and sent it as you did not order. Uncle John has got some money from Ogden but I believe very little, company was in so that I could not see him particularly. Mary just called to me to say that Uncle J. had paid some to Dr. Jewett this morning; I will try to find out about it tomorrow morning and let you know. Frank is much better; *in* the present state of my finances I can't get the dumb bells, and could do nothing with them at present if I had them. - I have scarcely had a quiet day yet, with all my unpacking and settling down; and am so fatigued at night, that I go to bed very early generally. It is late tonight however. You speak of our neighbors; they are unexceptionable so far, and much pleasanter than on the other side, and very careful about their children Indeed our boys have been rather more bothersome than theirs if anything. [May 21, 1863] don't hesitate to keep me advised of all these things however, as the worst is better than suspense. Augusta Thursday Morning - Uncle John has just been here, he says Ogden paid up the whole $641.00, all of which he paid to Jewett. Was not that more than your share? If I was you I would stir R. up his promised Uncle to count his part up but that is all that has been done, and I fear there will be trouble to get back any thing that has been overpaid. Uncle has only $16.00 for me and knows of none other due, except Newton Booth which I suppose nearly helpless. - He says that *Rothaner* the #old Street Commissioner, and one of the rioters has been taken.# They are *all* very unwell at Mr Brady's and Mr *Carwin's*. Mrs. B. was quite inclined to think Dr. Webster ought to be dismissed and *another* unemployed; but I think the *Carwins* are satisfied with him from the way she spoke. I didn't go to Eliza's as both Mother and I do not consider it safe for me, in case Eliza should have whooping cough. Robert says she has, Sister didn't know; I hope they will not think hardly of me. Of course I cannot send Sella either, all I can do is to call at the door at either place in the carriage. Now goodnight, dearest one, I will finish in the morning. -- Hope I can rest, but I do feel very uneasy about that resignation of Major *L.* #Goodbye and love and kisses from every body A.#
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May 20, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
2 pages; + note dated Thursday morning [5/21/1863]
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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