Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-24

Dear Husband, Two letters came to me last evening, yours of the 20th, and one from Nannie, who is in Cincinnati; she will pass through here her on her way home and wished me to tell her is she should stay a day with us. Mother is quite unable to exert herself and I am unfit for much, still we think we can make her short visit pleasant for her, so I have written to her to come, she is to come Tuesday evening and leave Thursday evening. You ought to have received three letters from me last week; as I kept forgetting something that ought to have been said before. Then too, I like to keep you in debt; wanting to get letter all the time, yet afraid to open each one, fearing those dreaded orders to the field will greet my eyes, I cannot be brave. We have the usual startling Sunday news, great things are said to have been accomplished around Vicksburg, I wish I could believe! Howard is now at Memphis, and is likely to remain there some time, so if you can find time to write to him you had better direct to that place. Col. Sprague is on his way home on furlough; Father expects to see him either at Cincinnati or Columbus. The chaplain of the regiment was here a few minutes last week; he said they were all fatigued after their excursion but he thought not at all injured by it; he confirmed all previous recounts of Howard's popularity and good services, said that he thought we would have the "Major" home in two or three weeks and that part of his own business was at Columbus incurring his removal. Mr. G. and family have heard the reports but say they know nothing about them and don't believe them! Uncle John came in yesterday to say that he had made a mistake and had cheated himself of $25.00, which examination proved true; so we owe him that sum and must raise the tax money besides. Uncle said he would see about the taxes, but please don't depend on him; he has nothing of ours and as for Best, don't hope for anything in that quarter. Father thinks the taxes will be from 36 to 40 dollars, but will find out exactly. Finding there was no money here, we have done nothing about pasting the fence; and will await further directions from you. Stir up Robert, I hear he said that he thought he had paid his part of the Jerrett note, but would count it up; that was some days ago, and nothing has been heard from him since. Uncle said his name was not on the last note Jarrett presented, but yours only, and some four hundred dollars yet due. Please do not leave any of us to settle anything with him. R. told Father that he had received a letter from you incurring the library, he did not say what library nor give any particulars. I suppose all these things must be written, but I hate to say money to you; or, to give room to so much concurring it in my letters. The two little boys are in the nest room listening to Betty read. Betty says "tell Mr. Brewer that if he will visit us this summer, he shall have some more good coffee." Don't forget to send some message in return. Sella has gone to Lib's with Mary, she cut out a locust blossom pattern and made a cap flower yesterday, which was not bad; Frank took her pattern and made one too; not bad either. Kind regards to the Col., Capt., and Mr. Coates, I am truly sorry to hear of the poor health of the cattle.#I found the paper of which I spoke did not contain what I supposed so did not sent it. I will cut out and send you an attack on poor Charley Cathcart. He is belabored on all sides. According to this article Willard Day has taken up the cudgels in 'his' defense. Hope you will not suffer in the "Case math 'rovs.'" Like is Mrs. McEhale and other friends. I have begun the letter to Mary Vanderpoch. Do go to see them soon. Robby used some profane language today and when I asked him who said that said "Mr. Carroll" only see how such are remembered. I suppose you are in the way of your duty, dearest, but-Oh! It is very hard for a wife to feel it in this# #terrible separation and suspense. Goodbye darling one, Augusta#
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May 24, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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