Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-27

Dayton O. May 27th 1863 Dear Husband, Father brought your dear letter out to *Jere's*, where Nan and I were spending the day with the children. All day long I had been hoping I should not be disappointed but got a little anxious before it came. The children have had a good time generally, with the exception of poor Bessie who has chills. After Howard went away, his boat was given to Edward Peirce and the children now paddle it over their pond; thinking it great sport. Nan and I watched them some time this afternoon, then she told them to come up into the woods and make oak wreaths Mary Thornton was chosen queen, the rest of the little girls were maids of honor and Frank and Robby were 'princes'. Frank and Mary have taken a great fancy to each other, and are better playmates than Sella and Mary. Rob still gives me the military salute, particularly when he wishes to cut short a lecture. Any soldiers he sees are immediately taken in hand as old friends, and he asked some whether they came from the 'Front.' - Sella has been attending school regularly since my return, and I think is improving. Mrs. Gregg says she does well, and is not at all saucy which she is rather inclined to be at home. She has been coughing since last evening and I am a little afraid of whooping cough. It is now said that even Quincy and Suzie have it. Mrs. Carwin and Mrs. Brady were here this evening. Violet too coughs badly. Betty too, was taken sick Sunday night consequently we have had to do the best we could without her; and Lib's invitation to dinner was quite acceptable not only because it is pleasant to be there, but also because of the relief it gave us from actual labor. - I feared Nan could not enjoy herself when she found how every thing was; and she did think of going this morning, but we would not agree to it. She sends her regards to you; We have succeeded in making her visit pleasant to her and ourselves. Just while I think of it, I must tell you that Morgan Ward resigned his captaincy and is now in Browns' bucket factory; so the "aristocracy of the country" cannot be said to be visited in him! Uncle John had a letter from Walker last week, in which he complained of promotions over his head. Mr. Carwin says that petitions are being raised to have Vallandigham brought back! He says painting is expensive business even in the way you proposed. I have found the due bill. Sella has Howard's bureau now, and I hardly know which I want most, a bureau or writing desk. Both Mary and I recalled the fruit-piece at Barney Williams', but it was not in a good light. Hope they are pleased there with the prospect. Now dearest every body in the house is in bed but your wife, and she too ought to be there, for every night finds her weary Every day makes you dearer, my own one, and makes me long for the time that I will hope is to come, when with four dear little ones, we may live quietly at home, no more wars to disturb us in our endeavors to make all good and happy. Good night dearest One. Augusta PS. - Uncle John gets the Harper's weekly quite #regularly, so do not trouble yourself to send it#
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May 27, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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