Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-31

No. 8. 1. Dayton O. May 31st/63 Dear Luther, Not disappointed again, for your letter came yesterday afternoon. I fear my last was not very satisfactory, as Nannie was going away in the morning, and I felt hurried and confused with that, and the visit at Lib's. The children are all on the upper porch, as it is too wet in the yard to allow them to play there. Robby gave me eight kisses for you this morning while I was dressing him and said he was going to write you a letter. He told me a few minutes since to tell you that he liked you. Frank says he sends a thousand kisses, also that he was going to send you some roses but couldn't. He seems quite well but is not fleshy. Sella is not quite well, and as the heat seems to hurt her I have concluded to keep her home till next Fall. She needs a little home training too before I am sick. She makes many good resolutions I can see, but finds them as hard to keep as other people do. They are still very unwell at Eliza's and Mrs. Brady's cough is quite bad. Twice a week the latter sends me a loaf of her good bread, and generally a pie or cake. It is very kind of her, but I fear it is not right for her to burden herself in this way. She grieves over the bread you got last winter although I have assured her that it was eaten, and tasted good because it came from her. I have not been in either house since I came, but make my calls at the door. I am very busy and can get little help in my sewing besides Kitty and Sella are altogether *too* knowing to make a long visit quite agreeable. My visit at Lib's was almost too long for me, and I prefer going on short excursions at present. I believe Aunt Ann proposes to have me there tomorrow evening with the Holts; I would a little rather not go, but if no others are invited will do it if possible. Mother had been intending to ask Judge Holt's family and George and Mary Shaw here for some time, and as we had some cake left over after Nan left we concluded it would be best to ask them last week. Mary excused herself and George (she is to be sick about my time) but Judge and Mrs. Holt with Martha and Belle came, also Uncle John and Aunt Ann. We had a very pleasant evening; and I brought you down to spend it with us. The judge pronounced your picture very excellent and Mart says she thinks she ought to have one, that she would like to "hang Luther" herself. This was called forth by Aunt Ann's saying that she meant to have a little frame too and hang you up, as she didn't want you shut up in an album so you see she is really pleased. I did not tell Mart that I would give her a picture, but if you do not want the only spare one still here, I will give it to her; be sure and tell me. The taxes of which I spoke are for June and I fear will be quite as large as I told you. Father looked at the receipt for the last June taxes and supposed the sum I mentioned nearly right. Uncle John said he had written to you this week, had not tried to sell that Ogden note but would. He said too that Robert talked about having him (Uncle) get the Jewett notes and count them over, but he told him to do it himself. You had better keep at him yourself, Uncle is very busy and Robert don't like the truth. We must attend to our own business as far as possible. That pamphlet on coloring photographs came 2. last Friday, and Mary seemed pleased with it, says she is going to show it to Mr. Miller (he is a small man, she thinks it is C.W. Miller) and ask him what he thinks of it. -- Mary has just returned from church and sends thanks for the book, with much love. Evening -- The two little boys are in bed and both asleep, I believe. Betty took all three over to Uncle Christian's this afternoon; and Father took Mary and me to *Jere's*. Lib kept us to eat some June strawberries, which we enjoyed very much. Elliot amused us all with his fun and talk exceedingly; he is very interesting. On our return, Robby came to me with his little yellow flower which he said he "biggest *that* I pull" for me. Dear little fellow! -- all of the children are inclined to get me flowers. Father told Mother to put the pots of milk into the water trough. The milkman brought the milk and it was duly put in the trough and covered, but this evening Betty found it full of water, couldn't find out the culprit for some time however; finally Rob, said he only poured four cups in and Frank too concluded to acknowledge some share in the business. I teased *Jere* for gossip or news today but could get none for you!!! Mary wants to know whether anything has been heard of the book on wax flowers. No more news from Vicksburg yet; I begin to fear disasters there. -- I hope that Eastern campaign will not need you; it may be selfish in me; but I am afraid I can not bear up under that trial; yet I must try for a great many are depending on me. I didn't know till a few days ago that some soldiers made a small attempt to arrest Father: He tells the story on himself; some one near Father was pointed out for them to arrest, and they mistook him for the man: "Oh! no said Father. I'm not the one you want". Of course it was but a mistake of a moment but served to get up a good story. *Mumma* was released on taking the oath. I understand that he says it has been rather an expensive lesson, but he now knows that a man makes more by minding his own business and letting other people alone. I forgot one of Rob's funny sayings. We were listening to Father read the paper in the dining room, when the young rogue appeared at the door and said "Mamma orleans molasses is very nice indeed." We then discovered that he had been helping himself in the kitchen! How are Mrs. McE.'s children? and, how do you get along with your new neighbors? How was the question about the Quarters settled? I suppose it is the artillery soldiers that are to be tented is it not? I am glad to hear that you have been to see the Vanderpools. Mary should have received a letter from me last Wednesday. You do not say whether they are really to move or not. Don't know whether that engagement is a good idea or not, as I have no acquaintance with Mr. H. I heard once that he made sport of those girls, but hope it was a mistake. Two sheets again! What shall I do to keep from troubling you with long letters? I can't pet you and can't be petted so it seems impossible to keep from writing to the best and dearest man in the world. If you were only with me a kiss and embrace would do away with the use of my tongue but they cannot be; I don't wish to discourage you from performing your duty, but don't be afraid to come home to stay just as soon as possible. Good night dearest one. Augusta
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May 31, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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