Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-04

Dayton O. Aug. 4th 1863 Dear Luther, If I may be allowed, I will write a part of my letter tonight although it is now ten o'clock. The Baby has been better today, and slept an hour and a half at noon, on the sofa in the parlor. I had taken her down to the table, where she fell asleep, and astonished us all by the length of her nap. Her colic has lately been at its worst just before tea time, the restlessness through the day being much less than it was. I hope to help her through with the whole of it by cold water injections, which have already relieved her. At night she is pretty good. I forgot to tell you rather a sad piece of news. Joe Peirce has had a paralytic stroke; it was some time since while he was at *Munroe*. He has gone away again for his health. The poor fellow is very low spirited, and seems to imagine it is something disgraceful; and will make people avoid him. It is not talked of by the family on his account. Dr. Davis has told him to give up his smoking which had become quite a habit with him. Would it not be as well for you to be cautious in this same particular? I would have talked to you about this when with you last, but feared you would think me hard to please, and fault-finding. I have written but little, still it is a good beginning and all that I can write at present. Good night Beloved One. Wednesday Night. -- Instead of a letter from you dear Husband, I got a long and very good one from Mrs. Lay. I do hope yours will be here in the morning. Mrs. Lay says that Mrs. *Berdan's* little Bessie was born on the 15th of June. Dick was in the late battle, was not wounded but is now sick with dysentery, and at the end of her letter she says, she had just read a letter from him in which he said he expected to be with her soon. She expected to go to the Fort this week and having heard from Bessie Brown and Mary Pratt that you were laid up, she was going to call on you. The *Adac* girls are here on a visit and there to be a party at Uncle John's on Friday, for them. Mother insists upon my going, and I feel rather inclined that way myself; just by way of seeing how it will feel to be out of wrappers again. I walked up town for the first time to do a little shopping today, and, you being a man cannot in the least understand how pleasantly it felt. Riding with Baby in my arms is very pleasant too, but is not to be compared with a walk! Mother is very kind and helps me with Baby. She says she thinks it is a great mistake to do as she has, in giving up all visiting when younger; and does not wish me to do it. I do not wish to either, still I do not wish to tire her and think the party on Friday will not, as Mary sleeps well after 10 o'clock. She is crying very hard this evening; and Mother and I are relieving each other in nursing her. You can imagine that I cannot write well with such a state of things. I cannot keep my mind on it, so dearest I will close this unsatisfactory letter. If there should be any thing needing immediate answer in your next letter I will write again on receipt of it. Take good care of yourself dear One and write often. Goodbye. Thy Augusta
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August 4, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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