Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-09

Dayton O. Aug. 9th. 1863 Dear Luther, We have good news today; which we ought to have had yesterday. Howard telegraphed that he would be at the Barnet House last night and would be home before he left the state. Father would have met him, but as I said we only received the dispatch today. We are considerably excited, as you will believe; Mary has not seen him for a year, and I for nearly two. I do hope Baby and her brothers will keep within bounds, so that we may have a happy time. There she is now, I must put her into her wagon and try to keep her still - She is in and Sella trying to keep her but is not very successful. I was obliged to stop writing, and have put her to sleep in the wagon. Father made a new axle *tie* for the wagon thereby saving $3.00. The wheels are larger and the usual way of putting them on makes them rub against the body and it was quite worn away. The only ways of fixing it, were as Father has done, or to get smaller wheels and springs. I urged Father to do the latter, although money is getting scarce with me; for I don't like to see him worried with so many things of this kind; his ingenuity sometimes gives him much trouble. The little carriage is now a great comfort to me, as Mary sleeps almost the entire afternoon in it, by giving an occasional push backwards and forwards. Lib showed me some lines written by Obadiah *Canover* in memory of his wife. They were in the Independent of July 2nd and are very pretty; I wish you would get it, read, and then send it to me. I have just reread your letter of Aug. 2nd and have made out a number of words that I could not possibly decipher before, I shall accuse you of joining your neighbor in a 'spree' if you don't be just a little wee bit more careful. I perhaps ought to apologize for my own writing which is certainly very poor. Little Mary will again have to take the blame, for holding her on my right arm makes it tremble too much for good penmanship. No letter came yesterday, and as you ask no questions in the other, I believe there is nothing to answer particularly. The 'party' at Uncle John's went off very pleasantly. *Barr Irwin* says he has a good joke to tell you. Sella told him he looked like her papa; he expressed his unbelief but was, (so he told her,) quite flattered. She insisted, and he says made a sure matter of it by saying "Mamma thinks so too." I *declared* off however, as he only resembles you in having become fleshy. We have some sport with Frank, about some green snakes that he declares he saw on the corn near Tate's mill. His grandfather accuses him of speaking of it after we are out of sight so that we cannot judge for ourselves. Uncle John was trying for the Clerkship, but was defeated; he told me he would write to you today, so I will not try to give any political news. Both 'sisters' were to see me last week. Mrs B. is much as usual; Eliza completely *overcome* with visitors. - I was sorry to see Susie's conduct*at the party. She is extremely affected, and I heard several remarks upon her manner of walking with Charley Clegg; to whom it is reported she is engaged. Quincy was there, and I think noticed it. I understand that he did not speak to her on the street the other day when she was with company he considered unsuitable. She asked him why he didn't speak; he very dryly answered that he was walking with gentlemen himself. - I see so little of her that I don't know that either Mother or Father has an opportunity of knowing any thing of this by her home conduct; I am only convinced that parents and children should visit together, and such things would occur less frequently. *Lusia* is quite pretty when quiet and unconscious, but spoils everything by affectation as soon as she leaves either state even *to* looking absolutely ugly. Mart Brady was there too; she has her faults, but is not affected, and is very warmhearted. Mary is visiting *with her* in Troy or Piqua. Poor Lib is troubled with 'boils' again and Elliott is quite unwell. The three younger children have had chills; besides which Elliott has summer complaints. *Jere* is in Indiana with Joe *Crane*. Mrs. *Ayres* called here yesterday and seemed quite cordial. The Craigheads are living in their kitchen and one other room, having torn their house to pieces to rebuild. *Idding's* house is going on rapidly and will be very pretty I think; is quite expensive. *Rerchobrod* and Mary are putting up houses on the Snyder corner, and Dickey has raised his house a story so that it quite overtops Vallandigham's. Have you seen the newspaper reports, that Val has been solicited by members of his party to retire from the contest? He strongly refuses so to do unless he is rejected by a Convention, as he was nominated. - I must close now at least for the present - Oh if you could only be here with Howard! Thy Augusta Evening - Through the kindness of Mr. *Reisbat* here, and Mr. Lane in Cincinnati we have got a dispatch through to Howard and received in answer "To Camp *Dennison* in the morning may be home in the evening". Father will go down in the early train. I hope you will find the new commanding officer pleasant, and well informed as to his duties. - There is nothing particularly pleasant about any of it, but it might be more pleasant than it has been. Mary is just as bad as possible and Aunt Mary has put her to sleep *unclear* I believe so. Good night dear Husband Augusta
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August 9, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
7 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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