Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-16

Dayton O. Aug. 16th 1863 Dear Husband, Where is my Saturday's letter again? It scarcely ever comes now till Monday and sometimes not till Tuesday. This is not as good a division of time as it used to be. Are my letters regular? They are sent every Monday, and every Thursday morning. Howard is sick. He has had no appetite since his return, which I did not notice, but Mother did. He seems to have chills; we hope not typhoid fever. The Doctor seems to think it probably that he would not have been ill if he had remained in Memphis. He received orders to report at Camp Dennison a week from tomorrow; and expects to be able to go. As drafting is much more rapid work than volunteering, I suppose he will not be near us much longer. Baby lies sleeping in her carriage close by me. She is as fat as I can wish, and when first awake in the morning, laughs and tries to coo; very much to Sella's delight. Still very restless and a weary Mother she has. The Adar girls are still here, they go tomorrow to Robert *Steele's* for two weeks, then spend another week with Lide, she having begged their Father and Mother yesterday for a longer visit. They came up to spend the day bringing their very fine Baby. Carl Adar (a Captain of Cavalry) and nephew of Mr. Adar, spent a week with Will; went home, but soon returned with Col. Mansfield, son of Gen. Mansfield of Indiana. He is very young, and engaged to the younger Miss Adar. Carl is a regular German having quite a foreign accent. He is suspected of admiring Lide. So you see they are quite gay at Uncle's. Mary and I went over after dinner yesterday to call on Mr. and Mrs. Adar. Martha Brady and Susie Corwin called yesterday morning. Katie came soon after with her loaf of bread and a bottle of catsup; her letter I shall keep for you. Fielding *Loury* brought Lizzie and Sophie home last week, and is gone again. He was suffering with his "Hay Fever". I told you that Jere had gone west with Joe *Crane*. It proved rather an unfortunate journey, as they were upset in a wagon, whereby Jere had his leg hurt so that he is still quite lame, and Joe had an arm badly injured not broken however, as he at first thought. -- Dinner is ready so goodbye for a while. After dinner -- We are having a refreshing shower, exceedingly welcome after several sultry days. If you have any more of your vignettes taken, remember Quincy, as Martha Brady told me yesterday that he was anxious to have one. He said nothing to me about it. I asked him for two of his when they are taken. One is for Mother, who thinks his usual expression very remarkably sweet, He has promised them to me. Little Mary evidently thinks it is time for her dinner too; so farewell again. I have had a little nap, got up with a headache and under the last unfavorable circumstance am trying to finish this letter. I am sometimes tempted to let pen and ink alone, my letters are so unsatisfactory to myself; but as you would be uneasy if you did not hear, and I must have your letters, I try to send something regularly. No doubt all will be better when Mary is a little older and the weather cooler: but if I hadn't Mother to watch the older children down stairs, I don't know what would become of them now. I cannot go up and down a great deal, and they must play in the open air. If a more mischievous couple of boys can be found I would like to see them just a few minutes. As for Sella her love of dress and eating lands her into many troubles and gives me heartache very often, for her offences are of a grave nature and need judicious care. She ought to be with me always, yet health and spirits give way under this close confinement. I hear dear Baby sucking her little feet #giving me warning that supper time is near. Good bye dear one, Thine lovingly Augusta# Near Tea -- Mrs. Brady dragged herself up to see me this evening. She is fatigued with putting up fruit. Baby better than usual and went to bed before eight. Good!
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August 16, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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