Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-18

Dayton O. Aug. 18th. 1863 Dearest One, There is a party at *Huesman's* tonight, to which I should probably have gone, had your letter contained better news. As it was, I preferred writing to you. All Summer I have tried to prepare myself for disappointment, and have succeeded to some extent; nevertheless it is hard to give you up to go into the Field. As long as you were in safer quarters I could bear the separation, thinking the War might close without your being sent away. I cannot quite give up hoping that it may yet be so, for you have not given me your reasons for thinking you would be sent. Please tell me in your next, if you have not done so in your Sunday's letter. Do not fear for me, I must have time, but I promise you to try to be cheerful, come what may. If we could always remember that Our Father is above all, this would be an easier thing to do. I often think I can leave all to His care; yet the doubting question will come back; "will He keep us from harm, and let us meet again"? Do you think anyone ever lived that could at all times submit cheerfully and confidingly? Our little ones are still well. Sella trying to be more obedient; and the boys running wild with mischief. Mother sent me word yesterday that she had sent them from the water trough three times, and she wished I would just look out at them. - I opened the bathroom window, and there was Frank trying to paddle around in the trough in a large green bucket! Rob stood by in evident admiration. I laughed heartily but they were too busy to see me. I then took up a dipperful of water and threw at them; it didn't touch them but the sound was enough; without waiting to see where it came from, they scampered off in "double quick," never stopping till some distance down the lot. Father took us quite a long ride this evening; Frank kept wide awake as he always does, but Rob soon fell asleep. No one can keep him awake but Mary, who quarrels with me, and Rob instantly wakes up to defend me fiercely. Van *Ausdel* is going East in a few days and *Bill Burrows* is again going with him. - Uncle John says he is very busy but will write you a long letter soon. I think Brown's trial comes off next week He (Brown) is at Troy or Piqua. It is eleven o'clock, dear, dear Husband so goodnight. I will await your letter tomorrow before finishing. Wednesday Night - no letter this afternoon, dearest, so I am obliged to finish without it. Mary and I have been to see *Belle Burrows* this evening, and find she is not going for two weeks. - It makes me almost homesick to see you; yet I would be very sorry to attempt any journey with four children. Howard is better and has been out several times today. - The party at Mr *Huesman's* lasted till four o'clock this morning, which was outrageous at a private house. *Carl Adar* told Henrietta that she ought to have been there that they got home just in time to see the sunrise. Little Mary has been a sweet baby a great part of today; she will soon be quite interesting, when I hope you can see her, for it is a shame not to enjoy a baby when you have one. You would have lost a great deal of pleasure with Rob if we had not been together. - The only good that I can see in all this trial, is that I was nearly worn out and needed rest from housekeeping; that part I enjoy and hope to recover more rapidly on account of the relief. Dear Luther #write as often as you can now, I fear our correspondence will suffer much if you are ordered away. I wrote to Mary *Vanderpool* yesterday but have not yet sent it. I never heard of *Georgiana Slater's* death and think it very strange that we should neither of us have been told. How are you getting? You do not say much about yourself in your last. Love and kisses from children and Mother to the dearest Man in the world. Augusta#
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August 18, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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