Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-23

(I Received the message within) Dayton O. Aug. 23rd. 1863 Dear Luther, As your letter did not come yesterday afternoon, I had made up my mind to wait patiently till Monday but fortunately was pleasantly disappointed, for Father brought it to me this morning. It cut short an incipient fit of the blues, for which I must certainly give you thanks. So you had good reason for thinking you would go to the field next month! I hope this new move of the regiment will still keep you away a long, long time! I can't help it dear Husband, I feel so, and must say so, if it is unpatriotic. I put Mary to sleep and believe she would have taken a good nap, if the children had staid away, but there she is. Sella thinks she can keep her so I will let her try. She is perfect fidget with her, and I can't trust her out of my sight but baby seems rather to like it. Sella is just asking whether Baby cannot go to school with her when she gets big enough! Robby is lying on my bed, where I am trying to keep him quiet, as he is inclined to be unwell. Howard leaves us tomorrow, for Camp *Dennison*. We hope however to see him again before he leaves for the south. Mother and I have been making some cals in the evenings. Thursday we went to Mr. Martin's (canal something) Mary Shaw's and Mrs. Brady's. Sister seems quite unwell, and fatigued I think. Coming home, I made some remark to which Mother made no answer; I heard a little noise behind me, and looking around could not for an instant see her but soon discovered her lying on the pavement; as she neither uttered a sound nor moved, I was much alarmed; I spoke to her, and she answered faintly, but soon revived and with my help got up slowly and we finally got home with less difficulty than I had supposed possible She is not seriously hurt; she struck her foot against a paving stone, and came down on both knees, causing intense pain at the time, and considerable soreness still. I don't know hat I ever felt more horribly than when I first saw her lying speechless. This accident has rather stopped our calls but we hope to make the rest soon, making one or two an evening till all are returned. -- Sella has succeeded in putting Mary to sleep, but she insists that she is not sound enough to put her into the crib. She is very fond of her and don't like to give her up. I thought your Hay fever came earlier than this, and hoped it was going to disappoint you this year. *Kate* McCook expected hers the sixth of this month, but she was still well after that time. She is at Winchester Town. with her Husband. -- You will have received a letter before this containing an account of expenditures as my mind has been relieved by receiving your last, you need not be troubled by the low spirited tone of that one. - You know it has always been my 'matrimonial horror' to ask for money and when I did hint, and no attention was paid to it, I naturally thought you were dissatisfied. Don't you call me any hard names now; for I cannot help it. Did the *Mc.Elrath's* feel badly about moving? and, does Capt. Blunt expect to keep house? No hope is there of seeing you at home? I do want to see you, and yet fear the pain of parting so much, that I hardly know whether I want you to come or not. I am going to do as you say you will, "take things as they come without any superfluous whining". Dear me! I wish you had that Baby in your arms, she would stay asleep, you want to see her and I don't just now! Up she comes! 5 o'clock - Baby and I have been lying down, and as she seems rather better, Sella has again been delighted by nursing her. Tomorrow is Mary's birthday, but she has had all her presents from our part of the family today or before. I got a pound of candy to divide among the children, for which I made them pay me two or three cents apiece, as I don't approve of their making presents without a little self denial. The picture I painted last Winter was my present; Howard gave her his miniature in handsome case, and Mother gave her a new bonnet. Betty, who has no idea at all of the value of money; would give her a new kind of gold fastening for her chain. Mother and Mary tried to deceive her by paying all but a dollar, thinking that quite too much for her to spend; but she found it out in some way and would pay two. Poor child! I don't know what would become of her, if Mother should die; for she has such a strange disposition, that few persons would be willing to put up with her. She evidently identifies herself with the family but she exceeds everything for sauciness that I ever saw. - But enough of Betty for this time. Evening - Howard and Mary have been out to *Lib's*. *Jere* and Edward were to start tomorrow on a hunting expedition, but Edwards is sick today with a fever. He has not looked well for a week and I fear will be quite ill. All four of the children are in our room, Betty holding Mary and telling stories to the other three who are sitting on the bed. I am sitting by the sewing machine, writing to the dearest man in the world, and wishing he was here and could talk face to face. Good night, and a goodnight kiss from Augusta
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August 23, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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