Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-04-06

Dayton O, April 6th, 1864 Dear Luther, Mary and I stopped at the office in our way to *lenels* this evening, and got two letters from you, of the 1st and 2nd. So they *now* did overtake the other as you predicted. The last showed your usual kindness in wishing to spare me unnecessary pain.I seldom see New York papers, but there is enough in any of the papers to make me half crazy, if the reports are believed. Sometimes it is easier to keep calm than *at* other; but it is rather difficult to feel that there is no ground for every rumor, and I am very anxious always till confirmation or denial is made public; very often afterwards too. I do not understand you to say that you do not wish that 'situation' at all; only that you do not consider it nearly as desirable as previous to amendments in the bill. Am I right? Even if we cannot be with you, I should feel better about you if you were out of the field; although I should not like to see a younger man exposed to the influences of a corrupt city. I believe we can trust each other; this, while it makes our session sweater, also makes separation more endurable. We both began our married life with good resolves; have encountered some unforeseen trials, but thank God, still love purely and tenderly, every year increasing its, intensity.May you be spared to me many many years *iny* Best one . Our little ones seem pretty well again they run wild most of the time now; Sella with the boys, she having a week's vacation. You may be right about ventilation, but I seldom come up stairs without finding all the doors open, clean out to the porch and generally comfort myself , with the idea that *-----* air is coming in. - Aunt Mary is to occupy Sella's room while here, but after she is gone I mean to put two of the children there to sleep,and the door can be open at night. I must not forget to tell you of the arrival of the *"Peewer"*, or Madison, Howard's contraband. He came this morning, and seems very happy at getting to the *"Cotgntants* folks." Says he feels at home now. Bruno made friends with him immediately, as did the children, all of which pleased him exceedingly . He sleeps at Uncle John's, but takes his meals here . Is to take care of *sisicles* horses and cow , but will do our work; Uncle , bears part of the expense . Howard told him that Father could not give high wages, but he preferred staying at any rate. He will be kindly treated for Howard's sake, also for his own I think. A queer looking *apoccisser" he is ; I have not been able to find any nose in his profile! Thursday Morn. The boys are swinging and playing on the upper porch, enjoying this bright spring morning. Both are quite well. Rob's birthday comes tomorrow; I don't know what we will do for the little man; but it shall be properly celebrated. I believe I forgot to tell you that the 25 cent juice came to hand. Uncle John came past this morning.he had not yet collected that many because he said he was so busy in court .I have some hopes that he will attend to it today. Don't know what made me think of it, but why did you not tell me about that "other affair" of Mr. Stacey's. My room is in beautiful confusion and Baby not bathed so perhaps it is time to close.Many thanks dear Husband for you kind consideration in regard to health and feelings, I will try to regard # them so as to be aided and also not *-- -------* on your generosity. Goodbye Dearest and Bests. Augusta#
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April 6, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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