Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-04-10

1 Dayton O. April 10th, 1864 Dear Luther, We have had a run of visitors this last week. I told you of Edward Affleck's visit with his friend. Then yesterday Mrs. Williams and Alfred came quite unexpectedly. They leave tomorrow, when Aunt Mary will probably arrive. Mrs. Williams does not seem changed, old as she is (nearly 71) and we are enjoying her visit. Mother would still more than she does, if her throat did not give her more trouble than usual. Robby's Birthday was celebrated twice in consequence of rain. Here at home on Friday, and yesterday by his cousins. Lib remembered Rob's charge to her on Frank's birthday, to give him just what Frank had. Sella got out her best china and she and the boys had a party by themselves; I saved their cousins something till they came in which was enjoyed by Elliot particularly. His birthday comes next Sunday and Sarah's on the 28th. Rob did not seem to think of spending his quarter, but, after admiring it asked me to put it away for him. Frank has not yet spent his. Little Mary is awake. I have been trying to keep her asleep by rocking but it won't answer. She is in short clothes, and will be grown out of your knowledge before long. She has many pretty little ways, and Grandpa is very quick at discovering them. Her last is keeping time with her foot when he whistles and drums for her. I received yours of the 3rd, 4th and 5th this morning. Mary thanks for the good wishes and the forthcoming book. I will make inquiries about it immediately, also the one on Education, and will try to read both; I feel rusty and cannot fix my mind on what I read, as formerly. Our visits have compelled a suspension of rules and lessons for this week; being so crowded we are obliged to turn and twist things about that all may sleep comfortably, and Mother needs much help about the entertainment of her guests. Madison, so far is a comfort to both Mother and Father. My only fear is that the two families may have trouble hiring him together. If he is faithful and wishes to stay, Father will take him himself when he moves to the Hill, but I am a little afraid of the present partnership. Uncle threatened to sue Ogden if he did not pay up last Saturday. He says he is able to pay, so I urged the matter and hope to write you that all the matters are settled, in my next letter. #I have but six postage stamps in the house, and as Father will be busy in the morning I cannot get any more this time.# Pray don't apologise any more for stupid letters, for whereas yours don't seem stupid at all mine seem very much so, and I am obliged to apologise in turn. This miserable spring weather has a bad effect on every body, and I am no exception; don't feel like exerting myself yet must do it. Almost tempted to try your "Homebrewed Ale." Little Mary eats crackers very well, but is the poorest drinker that I ever saw. Wonder if you are eating that Jelly cake today! Hardly I suspect, but hope soon to hear that that little bit of home has reached you and been enjoyed. Robert laughed at me for saying that I would be glad to have your clothes to mend now and proposed sending me some of yours. I objected unless you would bring them yourself. I do hope that he may be able to help you really, for anything, though small, seems more endurable than having you in your present condition. Frank is spelling by himself; he looks very 2 well today. Robby fell and made his nose bleed, after which he wanted to sleep. Sella is reading, she has at length written you another letter. Tomorrow will be "blue Monday" with her as she starts to school after a week's vacation. Madison is anxious to learn and Mother and Mary, Father too are trying to teach him. He knows his letters and spells a little. His Master was a schoolmaster and his son used to steal off beyond the watermelon patch to teach him, but they were discovered, punished and forbidden to go on with it. His Master told him not to run off that he would go to war and bring him fifty Yankees, who should do the work and he (Madison) should oversee them! The false fellow was killed. Mother was just up, she says he is learning fast, and was so delighted when he put some words together and found he was reading that he burst out laughing. So! you were not expecting such good news as I sent you in last Tuesday's paper. We are all feeling more like owning our town since "the man who owned the Town" has been beaten. "Young America" is getting very unruly in our neighborhood. Mrs. DeGraff has a boy who is exceedingly saucy, and whom Mother caught throwing our wood into their yard; to save himself the trouble of cutting and sawing. He brings a very bad set about and yesterday Mrs. *De Graff* pursued some of them into our yard, horsewhip in hand! The poor woman is almost crazed with them. She has reported some to their Mothers and talked with some of the boys, telling them that she didn't mean to run after them any more but would report them to the city authorities hereafter. Frank has just exhibited a tooth which he pulled out himself; pretty brave *of* him! #Mrs. W. says "tell I'm visiting you and you are all behaving nicely. Goodnight Best One. It is never too late to write more. Mary says "send my message. I find it's only her love! Now she's threatening to capsize me and is shaking me so that blots are the consequence. Once more Goodbye, Augusta#
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April 10, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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