Letter from Luther Bruen, Camp near Kettle Run to Augusta Bruen, 1864-01-01

Camp near Kettle Run Jan. 1 1864 A Happy New Year to you, my dear one, and may you live to enjoy a many more! I was very sorry to disappoint you and to be disappointed myself in not getting a leave at Washington. On my return, I immediately sent in an application, but now I am doubtful whether I shall get that as soon as I hoped. Col Burbank told me on xmas that he wanted to go away about the 15th *just*, but on my return I learned that he had sent an application for his leave & would probably leave very soon. I also heard that some of the other regimental commanders are trying to get away. These things may combine to keep me here; for, my visit looks here to be defended for some time. But I need to visit you just as soon as I am available to do so, and don't think I shall be hindered very long, but we must have patience. We have got back to our old place on Kettle Run and are just across the railroad from our old camp. It rained all day Sunday and Monday, on which days the regiment marched here & came into the camp, and it rained hard all day yester day and most of the night, so that there is no scarcity of mud. I have got myself so fixed that I am not very uncomfortable when in my tent, and it is so muddy that I don't care to go out any more than is absolutely necessary and I don't. Robert did not say anything to me about the *shady girls* and probably doesn't know what you did not show tell me so you can go on and tell me the *letter* in your next. R. doesn't look very much worth his *whitters*, they given him a dark of *D Olorins* look which isn't at all agreeable. I don't like the appearance *or form* of the people he goes with. Luther Brandy was with him a good deal and wasn't I hear adopted some views of the world and of men, which would have pleased Sir *Pettifer Machyfort* very well. He's not a very interesting person. He appears to be trading in old iron and trying to make a penny in almost any way. I am not sure that R. was perfectly candid with me, but he preferred to be working to secure Chase's nominations for the candidacy. He is intriguing for something, within that and something were. His work however will probably not amount to much, but it *never* to keep him occupied and may possibly do good in that way, all than in between *as however*. I went to Washington on Sunday. It took me fourteen hours to get there; I arrived about 11 o cl pm after a most disagreeable *trip* I had a (a) better time coming down as if I did *half* to walk a mile and a half of the dark in the wood. Fortunately I could go along the rail *well* and knew I couldn't get into the *mud man* then so deep. I was sorry to hear of baby's sickness but hope in round *mc noun* enough to interfere with the *future* of xmas. We have had to *omit* for two of these days & of course I have had nothing from you since the letter I found awaiting me *behind* gave me the *views of her away*. If I do not hear soon I shall imagine that the *ideas* did not prove *tenors*. When in Washington I *accentuated* that I was not a L. Col. the manner to the contrary notwithstanding, nor can I living to be over soon. They believe in the *lark* and he is not "written up" yet. This is in *respondent* and was a *later day* letter, written with several officers in any task, see talking or for on they cared. It will let you know that I am still alive and kicking, which will be something pleasant for you to know. Much love from your L.B.B.
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January 1, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Kettle Run
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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