Browse All Letters (392 total)
Nokesville Va Feby 17. 64 My Dear Augusta: We are having a taste of winter to-day. The wind shakes the canvass walls of my house and makes so much noise that I cannot write very satisfactorily. You have misapprehended my suggestions about Frank. I certainly had no idea of stimulating him with alcohol, -- he will probably take that on himself quite…
Nokesville Va. Feby 19. 64 My Dear Augusta: Your letter containing the news of the death of Mrs. *Pierce* reached me last night. The sad intelligence was not unexpected to me, as she has seemed very frail for some years. Her death must have been very distressing to the family which has lived thro' so many years without encountering the changes that…
Feby 24th 64 My Dear Augusta: I must plead guilty to letting our 17th of Feby anniversary pass without recognition. That day was very cold here and it was all we could do to keep warm, in fact we couldn't do it at all, and sentimental ideas did not flow at all. Notwithstanding, I believe I wrote you, as I find my diary says I sent you a letter on…
Nokesville, Va Feb., 24, 1864 My Dear Little Daughter: You know that I can not be at home now, and it may be a long time before we all can live together as we used to. But while I am away, I can write you a letter now and then to help mother make you a wiser and better girl. I was pleased, when at home last to see that you were still fond of…
Nokesville Va Feby 27 64 My Dear Wife: I was very near commencing "Sir." -- My Commissary has just rec'd a letter (10 P.M.) directing him to have three days *rations* ready for a start early in the morning! What it means I don't know, but I have very little belief that we will move early in the morning. To be on the right side I have commenced a…
Nokesville, Va. Feby 29th, 1864 My Dear Wife: Yours of the 21st and 24th reached me this evening. How one came to overtake the other I don't know, but it has been the cause of two or three disappointments to me. You see we have not moved yet. I thought it doubtful whether we should leave in the first place, and I am more confident now than ever,…
Nokesville Va. March 1864 My Dear Little Daughter: Your mother writes me that you were pleased with my first letter and appear disposed to profit by the advice it contained. I am glad to hear this and shall write to you with great pleasure as long as this is the case. Should you live to the first day of September next, you will be ten years old.…
Nokesville March 3. My Dear Wife: On Tuesday I sent you a letter containing $20, which I hope will reach you safely. This morning I placed $120 in the hands of Mimmack who is to send what is left of it, after paying the tailor's bill, I spoke of, in a check to you. When you receive these sums you will be in funds, and I hope hereafter to be able to…
Nokesville March 5th 64 My Dear Wife: Yours of the 28th complaining that you did not receive a letter on Sunday or Monday came to hand this Saturday evening. Two reached me on Monday evening, but none since. So, you see I have a right to complain of the mail, too. I wrote to you on Monday and Thursday -- the first letter contained $20, and I hope…
Nokesville Va. March 7. 64 My Dear Augusta: Yours of the 29th (dated) but post-marked the 2nd, reached me last evening, -- so that our letters passed each other between this and Washington. Maj. Giddings had been ordered into the field; if he comes, he will take command of the Brigade and I shall return to my regiment. He will probably come, not…