Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton Nov 10th 1861My dear little Sella I have set apart this sweet Sunday morning to write to you, and tried to tell you how much I love you and your dear little brothers, now this is not easy to do, for I love you so much that I cannot find words to express myself clearly to you, you must understand it is a great deal, as I used to say when I…
Home, Wednesday eve'g Nov. 1861. Dear Augusta, My baby is just asleep little round, fat, good humoured fellow as he is, it is a relief to see him quiet for the night for he has a great fancy for my nursing in the evening, unless he is sent out of sight, which I do not like to do. We have been only a little while at home from a long day in the…
Dayton Oct 23rd 1861 My dear Augusta Mr Foster called a week ago, to pay $6.00 towards the rent and to say that he could get no water from his well, He did not know whether it is dry or whether the pump is out of order, I went to Boon, the pump worker, who says the water is out, & that for a sum not exceeding $4.00 he will sink it and put it…
#For Mama Mother says send Sella back with Judge Hull - We will take very good care of her and bring her up in the way she had orter go But seriously I wish you would send her, it would relieve you very much and we would like to have her - # Dayton Oct 16th 1861. Dear little Sella, You must not think Aunt Mary has forgotten you because she did…
[War feeling &] Dayton Oct. 14th 1861 My dear Augusta we have been so much taken up with Howard since his return, that we have neglected you, I am sorry for it; and am writing this evening though I am very much fatigued. Betty and I have been at your house all day, and are now ready to go down, having taken all my best tableware, and put down…
Home, Sunday Morning Oct.1861. My dear Sister, Your letter was all the more welcome that it did not wait for one of mine. You know my good intentions, of old, and probably did not very much expect to hear from me before this time. Your letters and Howard's have been common property here, and we feel tolerably well informed of your movements and…
Dayton Sept 29th 1861 Dear Augusta thy good and satisfactory letter was received, but not a minute before it was wanted and anxiously looked for. I am glad thee has met with so many pleasant people, But thee always does. That was quite an eventful day, I mean the one on which Caroline called, and that is the right way to treat such things I am…
Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Harbor Sept. 24th. 1861 Dear Mary, Howard and I have been debating the matter as to whom I should write this time. His order has been Mother first, you next and Lib last; she may expect a letter from him next week. I will pursue the same plan. Howard is laughing, as he hears Ernestine's view, because he says I have got…
[written different pen: I think 1st letter after Mother's arrival at Fort H. L.B.] Dayton 13th Sept. 1861 Dear Children, [writen in different pen:(Augusta & Howard & Luther)]We received a note from Luther this evening saying you are all well. We are thankful for it, but would like to hear more in detail for the future, we are very lonely…
[letter head: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Adjutant-General's Office, Boston,]Sept 11 1861Mrs Bruen Dear Madam Several months I had a letter from your husband asking me to find out if I could a look containing the History of Family in Charlie Co Engled* in which was an account of his family. I found it and a few weeks ago I had it copied and sent…