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Letter from Michael Lally to his wife and children, December 24, 1863
Camp of the 11 Reg't Mass At Brandy Station Virginia December the 24, 1863 Dear wife and children I sit down to write those few loynes to ye hoping it will find ye in good health as the departure of this leaves me in at present thanks be to God for his blessing. Dear wife You must excuse me for not writing to you before this. I could not write for…
Letter from Michael Lally to his wife and children, November 14, 1861
November 14, 1861 Camp Baker Budds Ferry Hookers Division Mary Land Dear Wife and children I pen those few loynes to ye hoping I will find ye in good health as this laves me in at present thanks be to God for His blessing to to me. I main to let you now that I sent you a letter [with 8 dollars] by the Mayor Whighman of Boston. I suppose he will…
Letter from Michael Lally to his wife, October 22, 1861
Camp Union October 22nd 1861 Dear wife, After a long abcince and uncontintmint of mind I got a few moments and I sot down to write you those few loynis hoping it might find you and my children in good health as this laves their father in at present thank be to his Maker for it. I should writ to you swooner only your temper was out of order when I…
Letter from Michael Lally to his wife and children, July 16, 1861
Allexendrea July the 16 1861 Dear wife and children I take my pin in hand to write those few loynis to hoping it might find you in good health this [laves] me in at present thanks be to God for His blessing to us all. I should write before this only that win we come to Washington we expected to lave [iverry] day. So we left Washington the 13 and…