Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton March 7th 1862 My dear Augusta I have just been to the stores to see about Frank's shirts. I found he Henry had those *purses* thee saw and no *Merriniak* I bought six shirts of a well covered purple, the only piece fit on account of pattern, the others being too light or too large figures. The blankets were rose, 1 1/4 long scant &…
Home, Sunday evening Mar 1862. Dear Augusta, At Father's today, I saw your letter to Howard, just received, and suppose some of them have already replied to it, and so will be a day in advance of me. When your last letter was read, I promised myself the pleasure of receiving one soon again, so sure was I of my own promptness in answering. But daily…
Dayton Feb 23 1862 My dear Augusta Mary has written so lately that it seems hardly worth while to write today, but I fear thee will be disappointed if thee does not get the regular letter. Mary called on John Darst. He said he would take the package for thee with pleasure, and would leave it at the Ft Nicholas, but we will see what he says when…
[Pictures &c] Dayton Feb 19th 1862 Dear Augusta, I have just received your last letter this evening, containing the long looked for pictures. We all, that is Mother Howard Bettie and I, (the rest having seen them) think them very good. I don't see what fault you can find with yours, and I think "Dear Little Wobbie" adds greatly to the…
[Grandma Forrer to S.B.W.] Dayton Feb 9th 1862 My dear Sella I wished to write to you last Sunday but had so bad a headache that I could not, I feel like writing today and more pleasant it is to do so because mamma tells me you are learning to sew and read and that you improve generally. I was sure you would and it is very gratifying to be…
Dayton Feb 2nd 1862 Dear Augusta It is now afternoon and I was just beginning to write to thee I did intend to arise early and write to thee Sella and Frank but found myself with a bad headache which is now better, but by no means well and I fear Sella and Frank will have to wait a few days, for which I am very sorry, because it is a pleasure to…
Dayton Jan 26th /62 Dear Augusta - I did not expect to write to thee today. I thought Mary would answer her letter, but she went to Church twice and cannot write by lamplight, so I will. I am afraid, though, that thee will not receive it before next thursday, it will be so late before it is put in the office. I have an idea that they make up the…
Dayton [Jan. 16] 1892 Dear Augusta I have just received thine June 12th and as I do not feel like sewing and as Luther's letter has made me very sad, I think I will just answer it now, Mary has gone to Jere's to stay all night, to gratify Sarah who is sick with sore throat, and I feel lonely without her Father went to Columbus Monday, or I would…
Dayton Jan. 6th 1862 Dear Augusta The Holidays are over and we are pretty quiet again. All passed off well, and I have time to think again and the subjects for contemplation are not the most soothing possible. I do fear a war with England. And feel all the time as if we ought hurry and conquer the south, and be ready for her. It is too good an…
[Don't know where the rest is Winter 1862? Aunt Mary to Mother Red Bird] married Edward Heatherington, Uncle Horton's son-in-law. They are living in Iowa near Uncle Horton. Her step-son _ Richard Heatherington died in camp a short time ago, they all seem to lament his death very much. He was the first wife's child, not Lucy, Howard's. Her husband…