Browse All Letters (392 total)
Nokesville, VA March 10th 64 My Dear Wife, This has been a most dreary, dismal, rainy day, which I suppose to enliven this evening by writing to you. In your last you ask about the insurance on our house. I do not think the policy expires until next year. You have the policy however, and can look at it and ascertain. It would not cost much to renew…
Dayton O. March 12th1864Dear Luther,I had intended to read one of Shakespeare's plays tonight having enjoyed one last evening, but your letter of the 7th moved me to write. I began and had written into the second page when a drop of ink fell from my inkstand and defaced my shirt. Now if I could have said "confound that blob" as a certain gentleman…
Nokesville Va March 12th 64 My Dear Augusta: Your good long letter of the 5th reached me last night. One end of it was open, the mail having got on its way here from Division Head Quarters. It however fared better than some of the others, the envelopes coming entirely off and the superscription being rendered illegible. I have set down to answer it…
Dayton O. March 15th,1864Dear Luther,You are learning to get more letters by writing oftener than formerly yourself. Today has been dismal out of doors but rendered quite happy within by the reception of a good long letter from Howard and two from you. Yours of the 10th, reached me this morning, and of the 12th, containing Sella's letter, this…
Nokesville Va March 15 64 My Dear Wife I am about to try the experiment of writing you a letter before breakfast which although it is now eight, I do not expect to sit down to much before nine. I received your's and Sella's letters on Sunday. Tell her I am very much pleased at the progress she has made in writing and hope her next letter will show…
Dayton O. March 16th 1864 Dear Husband, I have just finished a letter to Nannie, and will begin one to you although nearly eleven. By tomorrows mail I will probably send a "Commercial", containing a letter from Decatur, which concerns the 63rd. From Howard we have not yet heard an account of the affair but from Mrs. Lenner we heard a letter from…
Nokesville Va March 18th 64 My Dear Wife: I was not exactly certain when I laid down last night whether this morning would find me on the way to Libby or in some other way incapacitated from writing to you. The morning has come however and here I am at my table pleasantly engaged in scribbling a few lines to you about nothing. Last night…
Nokesville Va March 29th 64 My Dear Wife, I rec'd a letter from you last night, commenced on the 12th. I am sorry Bessie is no better but trust you will have better news in your next letter. We are living daily or rather nightly in expectation of a rebel raid, as I believe I wrote you in my last. They have convinced themselves at Genl Head Quarters…
Nokesville Va March 20 64 My Dear Wife: I mailed you a letter this morning, notwithstanding, I will make a few more remarks, reserving to myself the right to stop whenever I please. -- Some time since I wrote to you about paying the quarterly insrs on the War policy on my life. You have never alluded to the subject and I am growing anxious to know…
Dayton O. March 22nd 1864. I have been off sightseeing instead of writing to you Dearest. - Uncle John called for Mother, Mary and me, to goto see the Stereopticon at Bickel's Hall. It is an immense stereoscope, I should think. The scenes are thrown on a larger canvas, as by a magic lantern Well worth seeing, I can assure you. There is an afternoon…