Browse All Letters (392 total)
Nokesville March 22 My Dear Wife: Yours of the 15th came to hand this evening: it was postmarked the 17th. By the way I wrote the date on which the letter was mailed on the back of one or two of mine, -- have they come to hand yet? And did they make any better time? -- It commenced to snow furiously a little before dark this evening and now there…
Dayton, O. March 24th 1864 Dear Luther, Another blessing in the shape of a letter (dated 19th) came this morning. I must say 'thank you' for every one, or else you'll say, "there she is spoiled and takes everyone one as a matter of course." I am very anxious to see what changes are in store for the Potomac Army. I should be glad to have your rank…
Nokesville Va March 24/64 My Dear Wife: I suppose it would be wrong to send the enclosed letter forward without a word to their maternal *parient*, so I have set down to scribble something, what it will be I don't know. This evening brought me no letter, tho I rather expected to get at least one from Washington. Whether the sign is good or bad I am…
Frank Bruen Nokesville Va March 23 1864 My Dear Frank: I was sorry to hear you had hurt your finger so badly. It will soon get well if you are careful not to hurt it again. How is your rocking-horse? I have not heard a word about it since I left home. I hope it has not been broken yet. Has sister Mary learned to ride on it? She is much too little,…
Nokesville, VA March 24/64 My Dear Daughter: Since your mother writes me that you have received my last long letter and are pleased with it, I have set down to write you another. I shall love to write, as long as I find that you try to follow the advice I give you. It is all intended to make you happier and better, but if it does you no good…
Nokesville March 25/64 My Dear Wife: Yours postmarked the 21st reached me this evening. In it you complain of not receiving a letter from Tuesday till Sunday. I wrote to you on Tuesday morning before breakfast, mailed one on Thursday and on Sunday. So, you see I was not neglecting you, if the letters did not reach you. This week I wrote you on…
Dayton, O. March 27th, 1864 Dear Husband, After a vain attempt to put Mary to sleep, I have put her on the floor to play, and begun my usual Sunday letter. One from you came yesterday, with that of mine you returned. Uncle John and Mr. Corwin also received letters from you the day before yesterday. Uncle J. was just in; had not written to any one…
Nokesville March 27th My Dear Augusta: The latest and newest thing I know is the appearance of Charlotte Varian at Gottschalk's concerts in Washington or "Ma'lle Charlotte Varian Donna *Spronao*!" The poor creature having tried nearly every other dodge or been compelled to resort to this one to increase her "drawing" power. She is leading a…
Dear Luther, We were rich in letters today. One from Howard, two for me from you and one for each of the children. Robby waited for his till I read Frank's, then enjoyed his own, but doubted my having read it all; he and his Grandfather had quite a discussion about the matter. *Sella's* letter was as good, perhaps, better than the preceding one;…
Nokesville March 29th/64 My Dear Augusta: It was no spite work that induced me to ask that Capt. A. should be sent into the field. Officers were needed and as he had been absent a long time I asked for him and another captain who had been away from the regiment longer than anyone else. Capt. A. was ordered here but the other Capt. being a near…