Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton, O. March 31st 1864 Dear Husband, The "neglected Darling" will make haste to correct a mistake of yours. She was not complaining, for she thinks she has an exceedingly attentive husband. Has no other correspondent so 'prompt'. By the way if you have a more prompt correspondent than I am who is she? Fair question to follow yours! Later - It…
Nokesville April 1. 64 My Dear Augusta: I rec'd yours of the 27th this evening which contained the first advice I have had of my letters to the politicians. It seems very much more than ten days since I wrote, yet my memorandum book shows me it is but just ten days since my letters were mailed. Had I not lost most of my interest in the subject, I…
Nokesville April 2. 64 I dare say, my dear wife, you will frequently be excited by newspaper paragraphs on my account, and I therefore beg of you not to put too much faith in the announcements so flippantly made by newspaper correspondents. I have heard of several in the N.Y. Herald of yesterday which will probably excite your fear should they fall…
Dayton O. April 3rd, 1864 Dear Luther, I have letters of March 27th and 29th to answer. Not much to complain of truly this time; but there is the dinner bell to prevent my proceeding any farther! Since dinner Mary is doing her best to keep me from writing. Robert called yesterday, or rather Friday, to tell me that he and David would start to…
Nokesville Va. April 3. My Dear Wife: I sent you a letter yesterday and one to-day, therefore I won't write you one to-night, altho' I rec'd yours of the 29th but a little while ago. This is commencement for the purpose of saying something which I might possibly forget, if I do not write for a day or two. A notice of a book, entitled "Illustrations…
Dayton O. April 5th, 1864 Dear Husband, I am nearly overwhelmed with kindness on this my thirty-first birthday! Mother made me a very handsome "Twilight" (an evening head covering). Mary supplied me with six varieties of Verbenas, and from Lib and Henrietta, I have a dozen pots of choice flowers for my front yard. Sarah and Mary brought me a large…
Dayton O, April 6th, 1864 Dear Luther, Mary and I stopped at the office in our way to *lenels* this evening, and got two letters from you, of the 1st and 2nd. So they *now* did overtake the other as you predicted. The last showed your usual kindness in wishing to spare me unnecessary pain.I seldom see New York papers, but there is enough in any of…
Nokesville April 6th 64 My Dear Wife: Yours of the 31st of March came last night, but having dispatched an epistle to you yesterday morning, I couldn't think of answering it immediately, even to tell you the name of the "she" who is a more prompt correspondent than yourself. And upon second thought I don't think I shall tell you now just to see…
Nokesville April 9, 64 My Dear Wife, I am sorry you did not receive a letter from me on your birthday. I have been writing you a good many lately and did hope that one would arrive on that day so that you might receive some sort of an offering from me. It is pleasant to have such an occasion to kindly remembered by one's friends, and I hope it will…
1 Dayton O. April 10th, 1864 Dear Luther, We have had a run of visitors this last week. I told you of Edward Affleck's visit with his friend. Then yesterday Mrs. Williams and Alfred came quite unexpectedly. They leave tomorrow, when Aunt Mary will probably arrive. Mrs. Williams does not seem changed, old as she is (nearly 71) and we are enjoying…