Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton O. Aug. 4th 1861 Dear Husband, After many trials and disappointments, I have at length got your letter. Uncle John looked last night. Father went twice this morning without success. Willie Brady finally brought it from Mr. Corwin's box. By the bye, that gentleman left suddenly for Washington on Friday, so that all hope of having him for…
Fort Hamilton August 2, 1861 I took a long letter to you, dear Augusta, to the city & mailed it yesterday morning. You will probably, therefore, have a letter to solace yourself with on Sunday, if not, you will not be expecting any. I called upon Uncle Samuel's assistant treasurer yesterday and drew from him two hundred & six 61/100…
Dayton O Aug. 1st 1861'Duty before pleasure', dear Husband I have just been answering the letter I will enclose to you. I told friend Bill where you were, and that I would send his letter, and that he could not get an answer till the middle or last of next week. Do answer immediately and tell him where to write, whether to you or Uncle John. I…
Dayton O. July 31st 1861 Dear Luther, I was expecting to answer a letter tonight, but no letter came. I look anxiously for Congressional news, to see whether we meet at home or abroad. If it was not for your feeling hurt at being sent home, and did I not fear your being low spirited about your business, my joy at seeing you again in our own…
Ft Hamilton July 29th 1861 Yours of Thursday, my dearest, has just come to hand, and tho' I despatched a letter to you by the post this morning, I am commencing another to you already, as you see. You have never said anything before about the Cooper Institute. Sam Craighead has been making some inquiries on behalf of [Lucretra] Dickson, &…
Ft Hamilton July 28th 1861 I suppose my darling little wife, about this time of day, is grumbling because she did not get a letter from me this morning (if she did not) and perhaps seated at her desk heaping coals of fire upon my head by writing a long letter to me. Well if you did not get one, you ought, for one was dispatched for you on…
Dayton O. July 28th 1861 Dear Luther, I am sitting at the north eastern window in my room._ Here is Robby with his shoes and stockings off. They are on now; he agrees that there is "nussin matta-ah" with with his feet and has kissed and hugged me till my neck aches._ We have had heavy showers since yesterday morning, and feel refreshed by them. I…
Dayton O. Thursday July 25, 1861 Dear Luther, We returned from taking Mrs. Brady and ourselves a drive, a short time since, the children are in bed, and I think, asleep._ I am afraid my last letter will trouble you somewhat, I desired you to allow us to live in the Casemates; and in the evening of the same day I sent that request, your letter of…
Ft Hamilton July 24th 1861 My dear Augusta: I saw Sam Craighead today. He spent several days in Washington & has got the run of things pretty well. He tells me that our regiment will be raised, but that all the nominations will not be confirmed. Sherman & Wade he says will vote for me; if they do, I will be confirmed; if they don't I…
Dayton O. July 23rd. 1861 My dear Husband, Your letter, for which I had been looking so long, came yesterday. I was just preparing to enjoy it, when Father told me the dreadful news of our defeat. The particulars kept coming worse and worse, till this morning when the 5000 killed, (upon which I had to retire last night) had decreased to 500. Bad…