Browse All Letters (449 total)
Dayton O. Aug. 14th. 1861 Dear Luther, It is after 10 o'clock already so you have but little chance for a long letter._ I intended to begin earlier but "Ma Patterson" came in to see me first; then Father was here and finally Ernestine called me down into the dining room to see a "man'. I found Johnson Perrins kicking his heels on my new trunk as…
Dayton O. Sunday Aug. 11th 1861 Well! My good Fellow, it's done, and although I have been thinking of this journey so long, now that every thing is settled about it, I am in the greatest excitement to be off and get over the hard part as soon as possible. Settled I said, but Ernestine's part is not yet so; I spoke to her yesterday and she at first…
Dayton O. Aug. 4th 1861 Dear Husband, After many trials and disappointments, I have at length got your letter. Uncle John looked last night. Father went twice this morning without success. Willie Brady finally brought it from Mr. Corwin's box. By the bye, that gentleman left suddenly for Washington on Friday, so that all hope of having him for…
Dayton O Aug. 1st 1861'Duty before pleasure', dear Husband I have just been answering the letter I will enclose to you. I told friend Bill where you were, and that I would send his letter, and that he could not get an answer till the middle or last of next week. Do answer immediately and tell him where to write, whether to you or Uncle John. I…
Dayton O. July 31st 1861 Dear Luther, I was expecting to answer a letter tonight, but no letter came. I look anxiously for Congressional news, to see whether we meet at home or abroad. If it was not for your feeling hurt at being sent home, and did I not fear your being low spirited about your business, my joy at seeing you again in our own…
Dayton O. July 28th 1861 Dear Luther, I am sitting at the north eastern window in my room._ Here is Robby with his shoes and stockings off. They are on now; he agrees that there is "nussin matta-ah" with with his feet and has kissed and hugged me till my neck aches._ We have had heavy showers since yesterday morning, and feel refreshed by them. I…
Dayton O. Thursday July 25, 1861 Dear Luther, We returned from taking Mrs. Brady and ourselves a drive, a short time since, the children are in bed, and I think, asleep._ I am afraid my last letter will trouble you somewhat, I desired you to allow us to live in the Casemates; and in the evening of the same day I sent that request, your letter of…
Dayton O. July 23rd. 1861 My dear Husband, Your letter, for which I had been looking so long, came yesterday. I was just preparing to enjoy it, when Father told me the dreadful news of our defeat. The particulars kept coming worse and worse, till this morning when the 5000 killed, (upon which I had to retire last night) had decreased to 500. Bad…
Dayton O. July 21st 1861 Where is my Sunday's letter, you dear good-for-nothing?_ I was sick yesterday (all right though) and expected to hear from you certainly, accordingly my disappointment produced the first fit of the 'Blues' that I have had since you left. I am better now both bodily and mentally, and am going to be good humored enough to…
Dayton O, July 17th 1861 Dear Husband, Mother and I have just returned from a shopping expedition. I am trying to get fitted out so that you will not be ashamed of us, and yet as economically as possible. Some things I cannot get here and will defer till I am in New York. It took my breath away to read your letter this morning (the one Capt…