
Giacoma Lauro, Splendore dell'antica e moderna Roma. 1612-1640. Special Collections, Wellesley College.
The Arch of Titus sits on the edge of the Roman Forum near the Colosseum, as shown in Giacomo Lauro’s 17th century engraving of Rome.1 Importantly, the Arch of Titus stood directly in the path of the triumphal parade and framed a view of the Temple to Jupiter Best and Greatest (now lost) on the Capitoline Hill.2 A Roman general hoping for victory would make vows and sacrifices to Jupiter at this temple before leaving on campaign. If successful, he would have the honor of staging a triumph, an elaborate parade winding through the streets of Rome and concluding with a sacrifice at the same temple. By marking and framing key points on the triumphal route, the arch helped preserve memory of Titus' accomplishments.