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Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-15
Dayton O. July 15th. 1863 Dear Husband, My writing table is adorned with a beautiful bouquet, which Mrs. Darst sent me this morning. Wouldn't you like to see and smell it; I'll send you a geranium leaf from it at any rate. Yet I fear the New York riot will stop our letters again I am anxiously looking for today's letter, hoping your mind has been…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-12
Dayton O. July 12th. 1863 Dear Husband, I am distressed at your anxiety, and quite unable to account for the nonappearance of letters. I have written every Sunday and Wednesday since the baby's birth; the first letters were quite short and written with a pencil, but the last were much longer. It does seem very strange that the interruption should…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-08
Dayton O. July 8th. 1863 Dear Luther, Such good news is coming that I must indulge in pen and ink once more. - I hope our separation is lessened several months by the events of the last few days; yet we must not be too sanguine. Your last letter made me both glad and sorry; glad, because your annoyance was settled, but sorry because you have lost…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-05
Dayton O. July 5th. 1863 Dear Luther, I am sitting up in the big chair today for the first time, it being the tenth day. As I have not yet borne my weight on my limbs, it is impossible to say whether I am better of my weakness or not. The tediousness of confinement to bed being over, there is nothing more to be done, but keep cheerful and try to…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-01
Dayton O. July 1st 1863 Dear Husband, I am anxiously awaiting the coming of your Sunday's letter. - I received one from you last Monday, also one from *Nannie*. Yesterday one from Mary Van Derpool arrived, and today Mary received one from Howard. now if yours is only brought today all will be right. I do not wish to be selfish, but hope you will…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-28
Dayton O. June 28th 1863 Dear Luther, I thought you would be glad to hear from me in my own hand writing; so have taken my pencil to assure you that I am immeasurably well. - I was sick from half past four, Friday morning till twenty minutes past twelve when our little Mary was born; a well formed healthy child weighing 9 1/2 pounds. All has gone…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-24
Dayton O. June 24th. 1863 Dearest One, Fortunately for me, I did not understand that you were not well, and merely thought you felt in no letter writing mood. - I am glad you are now better, and do not wish you to keep ill health from me. I shall feel more uneasy if you do. And what shall I say to that petty tyranny? I only hope he feels as mean as…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-21
1 Dayton O. June 21st 1863 Dear Luther, I am still out of bed and feel rather disappointed that it is so. Your letter came yesterday, and I was glad that you did not give up to your want of inclination for writing a short letter (not a poor one, as you said) is better than none. Robby has not seemed quite well and I feared chills, but having…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-16
Dayton O. June 16th. 1863 Dear Luther, It is excessively warm but a letter shall, at least, be begun. Father, *Jere* and Lib, went to Columbus this morning; Mother staid with the children (Lib's) all day, but Mary went to spend the night with them, on my account. We went tonight to see if my nurse was ready, and found her waiting for me. I saw the…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-14
1 Dayton O. June 14th 1863 Dear Husband, It is again a sweet Sabbath morning, and I am sitting by the window in my room; the one shaded by the pear tree. The children have gone with Father to the office, hoping to get a letter from Howard, from whom we have not heard for nearly quite two weeks (a mistake, it was last Sunday). The children have all…
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