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Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-10
Dayton O. June 10th 1863 Dear Husband, Sella brought me your letter just as a good rain set in. Both letter and rain refreshed me. Day before yesterday Lib took me in her carriage with some of her children, and Father took Mother and our children in the spring wagon, out to Stillwater. We were after ferns and moss with which to ornament the little…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-07
Dayton O. June 7th 1863 You are so constantly in my thoughts this morning, my dear One, that I feel like writing. I aroused earlier than the rest of the family, and lay thinking of you; of our early love, which had increased as years had passed; so sweet were the thoughts that I felt almost as if you were with me indeed, and my heart overflowed…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-03
Dayton O. June 3rd 1863 Dear Luther, Which is it that is to blame for no letter this evening, a mail or a male? Certain it is there is no letter from you dearest, and I came very near having the 'Blues'; but having had an attack last evening I thought it wouldn't do, besides there may be one tomorrow. I am very helpless now, and Mother thinks I…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-31
No. 8. 1. Dayton O. May 31st/63 Dear Luther, Not disappointed again, for your letter came yesterday afternoon. I fear my last was not very satisfactory, as Nannie was going away in the morning, and I felt hurried and confused with that, and the visit at Lib's. The children are all on the upper porch, as it is too wet in the yard to allow them to…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-27
Dayton O. May 27th 1863 Dear Husband, Father brought your dear letter out to *Jere's*, where Nan and I were spending the day with the children. All day long I had been hoping I should not be disappointed but got a little anxious before it came. The children have had a good time generally, with the exception of poor Bessie who has chills. After…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-24
Dear Husband, Two letters came to me last evening, yours of the 20th, and one from Nannie, who is in Cincinnati; she will pass through here her on her way home and wished me to tell her is she should stay a day with us. Mother is quite unable to exert herself and I am unfit for much, still we think we can make her short visit pleasant for her, so I…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-20
Dayton O. May 20th. 1863 Dear Luther, Although I sent off a letter this morning, it seems as if your letter of this evening ought to be answered tonight. You ask me about the bills; I left these all either in your *business* drawer or in the drawer of your trunk. - Anderson was paid up to within a few weeks of my departure His last bill which…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-19
Dayton, O. May 19th 1863 Dear Husband, Your letter of the 15th came yesterday and this morning the boxes. About the letter I think there must be some mistake, as you told me not to expect them till the last of this week. They came by Adam's Express instead of the Merchant's Express, as I thought you intended, and there was a bill of $22.60 to pay.…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-17
Frank has your fondness for sweet scented shrubs and has sent you this, he said pick out the sweetest ones Sella says she wanted to send some but the letter was too full. Dayton O. May 17th. 1863 Dear Husband, You must be content with a short letter today; as I do not feel like writing. Indeed if I did not fear you would be anxious about Frank I…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-13
Dayton O. May 13th. 1863 Dear Husband, Your letter came this evening, but I nearly missed it, for I expected Henrietta to get it, fearing she might forget I rode to the office in time to secure it. I was so anxious to tell you all the town news, that I neglected to tell you how much pleased the children were with their presents; Sella could…
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