Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton O. March 16th 1864 Dear Husband, I have just finished a letter to Nannie, and will begin one to you although nearly eleven. By tomorrows mail I will probably send a "Commercial", containing a letter from Decatur, which concerns the 63rd. From Howard we have not yet heard an account of the affair but from Mrs. Lenner we heard a letter from…
Dayton O. March 15th,1864Dear Luther,You are learning to get more letters by writing oftener than formerly yourself. Today has been dismal out of doors but rendered quite happy within by the reception of a good long letter from Howard and two from you. Yours of the 10th, reached me this morning, and of the 12th, containing Sella's letter, this…
Dayton O. March 12th1864Dear Luther,I had intended to read one of Shakespeare's plays tonight having enjoyed one last evening, but your letter of the 7th moved me to write. I began and had written into the second page when a drop of ink fell from my inkstand and defaced my shirt. Now if I could have said "confound that blob" as a certain gentleman…
Dayton O. Dec. 30th. 1863 Dear Luther, I wrote a long letter to you last night but burnt it this morning so you will have to wait a little longer to hear from me. The truth is I didn't wish to send a page and a half about money matters when I was low spirited. I wish simply to request you hereafter to keep an account of all you send me and also how…
Dayton O. Dec. 27th. 1863 My dear Husband, what can be the reason you do not get my letters? Every Monday morning I send one, and again, every Wednesday or Thursday. When I see how much good a letter does you I feel sorry not to be able to send more; but to think the "dear things" don't reach you when they are sent is quite too bad; I hope since…
Dayton, Dec. 22nd 1863 You must be "hungry" for letters, Dearest, to beg for more from me; for very stupid things they are in my opinion. Still if you want them, you shall have them. - Yours of the 15th, with newspaper account of your late movements, came this morning; no sooner than the others you *see* in spite of change of your mail hours.…
1 Dayton O. Dec. 20th, 1863 If I wasn't afraid you were talking "iron" as the boys say, I should be almost tempted to write you no more letters My Good Man. Perhaps you wonder what I mean. Didn't you promise me more letters like that good long one of the 13th, if I didn't write oftener? It was so interesting that it would not be objectionable at…
Dayton O. Dec. 16th. 1863 Last night yours of the 7th. and 8th. came together, and made me glad indeed. I intended going on to talk of those letters dearest; but what can I do when two teasing boys are at me to "tell Papa" all sorts of things? Rob said tell you that it was snowing and that he was 'sorry' you 'were away at war', and wants you to…
Dayton O. Dec. 13th 1863 Dear Luther, My expectations have been disappointed; for foolishly enough I counted upon the days that should pass before another letter would come. Last night was to bring one certainly but there was none for me. Christmas is nearly here, and we begin to wonder whether you will be here with it. - Lib told me today that…
Dayton O. Dec. 6th. 1863 Two more days brings our anniversary Dearest, we could not spend it together last year, and it is worse than ever this time. Mary a third year prove the charm, and the day be passed with each other, and our dear little boys and girls. Your last letter was dated the 24th. of November, so I have been a long time without one;…