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Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-10
Dayton, Dec. 10th.1862 Dear Husband, I wish I could have answered your good letter last evening; then I felt better than I do this evening, well and even hopeful; for I had talked with the Doctor about myself, and although he seemed to think my suspicions correct, yet he said he could relieve some ailments and also help my depression of spirits,…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-08
Dayton Dec. 8th. 1862 Dear Luther, You must blame Uncle John for my sending a short letter this time. He came in this evening, and Mother wanted and me to sing a Battle Hymn, to the air of John Brown, which we did; he was delighted with it, and at the conclusion jumped up and declared that we must go down and sing it for "Ann"; took off his…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-04
Dayton O. Dec 4th 1862 Dear Luther, Yours of the 29th Nov reached me today and I see that you are attributing the children's illness to Dayton air, whereas Sella was sick when she came, Rob took cold during the journey and Frank contracted the measles at Fort Hamilton!! Besides Rob is getting as fat as possible, and every one thinks I have…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-03
Dayton O. Dec. 3rd, 1862 Dear Luther, You will receive my letter today, no doubt, telling of Frank's illness, and will be anxious to hear more about him and the other children. F. has recovered with the exception of a cough. He slept through the whole of last night. The other children have not yet taken the measles; I shall look till next week,…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-11-30
[1] Dayton O. Nov. 30th 1862 Dear Husband, No letter came this morning, greatly to my disappointment. You surely are not going to put me off with one letter a week! Poor Frank broke out with the measles last Thursday; the rash is now fading away, and he has done well thus far, but the Doctor says he must be carefully watched for two or even…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-11-26
Dayton O. Nov. 26th 1862 Dear Husband, Your dear letter came this evening, and relieved my mind of fears for your health. I am afraid I cannot see Uncle this evening to ask about the money but will write the rest of my letter this evening and try to see him before the mail leaves in the morning. Mother handed me $35.00 and some cents beside;…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-11-23
Dayton O. Nov 23rd 1862 Dear Husband, I can scarcely tell who, what or where I am; I am still so much confused by all that has past this last week. - Our journey was not very pleasant, but we got along well enough. It rained hard till the morning we reached home and was gloomy enough! At Albany Rob was asleep so I had to carry him to the Ferry;…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Elizabeth Peirce, 1861-12-12
Fort Hamilton N.Y.H. Dec. 12th. 1861 Dear Lib, I have received a good letter from Mary this morning which I will answer soon; but am warned by her to answer you very soon under great fear of the consequences of failure. Mary mentions a Christmas box which you have united in sending us; for which receive our best love and thanks "From home" is…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Mary Forrer 1861-09-24
Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Harbor Sept. 24th. 1861 Dear Mary, Howard and I have been debating the matter as to whom I should write this time. His order has been Mother first, you next and Lib last; she may expect a letter from him next week. I will pursue the same plan. Howard is laughing, as he hears Ernestine's view, because he says I have got…
Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-08-16
Dayton O. Aug. 16th 1861 So, I must write another letter, must I? I suppose you will have time to get this, for in truth I shall not look for you now till the last of next week. Another reason for writing is to protest against that new girl. I cannot and am much disposed to say that I will not break my promise with Ernestine; she talks of little…
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