Browse All Letters (392 total)
Dayton O. Sept 2nd, 1863 Dear Luther, Signs from the "Crib" tell me that I cannot write many lines just now, nevertheless this is a beginning. I have sad news to impart about Mrs. Brady. She has dropsy. It seems that for two years past she has been bloated at times, but I don't think the nature of the disease was understood; now, it is decidedly…
1 Dayton O. Aug. 30th 1863 Dear Luther, Your two last letters and the draft arrived safely; the latter I gave to Uncle to cash and pay the interest to Mr. Perrine. Either he (Uncle) or I will attend to the Insurance at the proper time. I don't believe that it was very naughty to send that bill, still if your feelings were hurt I am sorry, and will…
1 Dayton O. Aug. 25th 1863 Many thanks, dear Husband, for your kindness in hastening to relieve my mind, and heart. Your letter reached me a day sooner for being mailed at New York. I wish I could send this to the city instead of Fort Hamilton, but as you did not tell me to change the direction and are uncertain about remaining, I think it best to…
(I Received the message within) Dayton O. Aug. 23rd. 1863 Dear Luther, As your letter did not come yesterday afternoon, I had made up my mind to wait patiently till Monday but fortunately was pleasantly disappointed, for Father brought it to me this morning. It cut short an incipient fit of the blues, for which I must certainly give you thanks. So…
Dayton O. Aug. 18th. 1863 Dearest One, There is a party at *Huesman's* tonight, to which I should probably have gone, had your letter contained better news. As it was, I preferred writing to you. All Summer I have tried to prepare myself for disappointment, and have succeeded to some extent; nevertheless it is hard to give you up to go into the…
Dayton O. Aug. 16th 1863 Dear Husband, Where is my Saturday's letter again? It scarcely ever comes now till Monday and sometimes not till Tuesday. This is not as good a division of time as it used to be. Are my letters regular? They are sent every Monday, and every Thursday morning. Howard is sick. He has had no appetite since his return, which I…
Dayton O. Aug. 9th. 1863 Dear Luther, We have good news today; which we ought to have had yesterday. Howard telegraphed that he would be at the Barnet House last night and would be home before he left the state. Father would have met him, but as I said we only received the dispatch today. We are considerably excited, as you will believe; Mary has…
Dayton O. Aug. 4th 1863 Dear Luther, If I may be allowed, I will write a part of my letter tonight although it is now ten o'clock. The Baby has been better today, and slept an hour and a half at noon, on the sofa in the parlor. I had taken her down to the table, where she fell asleep, and astonished us all by the length of her nap. Her colic has…
Dayton O. Aug. 1863 We are all properly indignant, you naughty Papa! Give little May *paregosie* indeed! And hint too at having no affection for such children! - Oh what ought to be done to such a Brute? But seriously my dear, I don't think such drugs are good in the end. I fear the after effects. Baby was much worse two days this week, and I felt…
Dayton O. July 29th 1863 You must be very weary of your confinement, dear Husband, and I wish I could relieve the monotony of it by frequent letters this seems impossible however, so I hope you have other sources of amusement. You speak of still having pain; that I suposed, had gone by this time, is your foot swollen? And, what are you doing for…